Saint Of The Day 24 May: Mary Help of Christians

A much invoked title that of Mary Help of Christians. Let us take a few lines from her story

Mary is Queen and mother of all saints, she is the one who, at one with Jesus, leads us straight to Paradise.

Her intercession is one of the most powerful and the litanies are therefore embellished with new titles such as Mary, Help of Strangers or Mary, Mother of Mercy.

Let us see how the title Mary Help of Christians came about and when it was used.

Mary Help of Christians helps in the most difficult causes as it was in the war against the Turks

Invoking Mary’s help is the urgent appeal of every pope and so it was for Pope Pius V.

Those were also the delicate times of the Inquisition when merely proclaiming oneself a Christian was an act of example for those who followed.

Mistakes are always made but, from them, great wonders of holiness can be achieved.

However, it was Pope Pius VII who instituted the feast of Mary Help of Christians when he obtained the grace of freedom from the reprisals of Napoleon Bonaparte, who banished him to Fontainebleau.

And so every 24 May, Mary Help of Christians is invoked

The Salesians have recourse to her, Mary Help of Christians co-foundress with St John Bosco.

Everything Don Bosco did, it is said, under the radiant aura of Mary of Nazareth, starting with his mother who consecrated him to Our Lady.

And so he continued to seek her light, her prophecies, going so far as to dream of her and to comply with what he perceived as her request or will.

When he built a church, it was for her that he did it.

In the meantime, the Salesians are also remembered as the Sons of Mary Help of Christians.

Mary, Help of Christians, be a support for our choices.

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