Grand Imam Azhar Sheikh: We appreciate Pope Francis’ efforts to promote peace and coexistence

Grand Imam Azhar Sheikh Ahmed Tayyeb, head of the Muslim Council of Elders, expressed appreciation to Pope Francis, head of the Catholic Church, for his efforts in promoting the values of peace and coexistence

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The Muslim religious leader emphasised the importance of meetings such as the one that took place in Barhein, whose ultimate goal is to promote the values of peace, coexistence and acceptance of the other.

He made these remarks during his meeting with Pope Francis, who attended the ‘Bahrain Forum for Dialogue: East and West for Human Coexistence’.

An appreciation that was reciprocated by the Holy Father, who in turn remarked that the efforts made by Azhar and the Muslim Council of Elders in promoting dialogue, spreading the culture of fraternity and strengthening international peace were essential.

He emphasised the importance of solidarity among religious leaders to serve humanity in the interest of the people.

He also stressed the importance of dialogue to end wars and conflicts and curb hatred and racism.

The hope is that these wise leaders of religious communities will be able to touch the hearts of their faithful and, possibly, those of politicians involved in the dynamics of war, hatred and division.

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