Saint Of The Day On February 17: Saint Mesrop

A saint, doctor of the Armenian Church, helps us look away from a culture of the one by making friends of singularities: Mesrop

Armenia is also breathing down Armenia’s neck because territories on the banquet of desires are always a loose cannon for diplomatic relations between the countries of the world.

The biggest impasse concerns the famous ‘pencil stroke’ that laboriously marks one border, then the other.

And a saint always lives in the contradictions of his time.

This also applies to St Mesrop, who is a true founder of the Armenian church.

He is a doctor of the church.

And you, Bethlehem of Ephrata! So much for the tormented Armenia, St Mesrop’s birthplace. His mission

St Mesrop was born in 361 Ca in Armenia where he also died in 441.

The Christian roots, firmly embedded in Armenian soil, go back to some of our ancestors by faith: the disciples Bartholomew and Jude.

This civil servant felt a pressing need to safeguard his origins: the culture of the singular is never diversity.

It took a temperament as practical yet erudite as his to try to create a proper Armenian alphabet that would do justice to the language of oral tradition.

Mesrop not only founded Armenian ecclesiastical literature

It is well known that when the loneliness of prime numbers, true singularities, beckon us, then gusts of the wind of the spirit push us over the edge.

Thus it was that Saint Mesrop catapulted himself to neighbouring Georgia where he diligently founded another alphabet for the practice of written communication.

Clearly, to embark on such an enterprise, he was a great scholar.

He devoted himself to the serious study of what we would today call ancient or dead languages: Greek, Persian.

And his eye also fell on Syriac in the solemn biblical cry addressed to Bethlehem of Ephratah, every singular reality thickening into a dense constellation of light.

For the rest, apart from his fundamental mission that earned him the title of Doctor of the Armenian Church, he, like all Eastern saints, was inclined to a withdrawn and solitary life.

May the bold temperament of Saint Mesrop help us to build a world in which universal peace reigns.

If we then thought that in the rite of the Armenian mass, the kiss of peace precedes the consecration, then we would give even more weight to this liturgical poignancy: the body and blood of Christ enter into us if this cohesion that makes us a mystical body is truly nourished by deep peace.

Shalom to all!

Sister Ines Carlone Daughters of Mary Missionaries

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