Saint Of The Day For February 16: Blessed Mariano Arciero

The Father of the poor, the apostle of Calabria: here are some praises made to Don Mariano Arciero who lived his apostolate with great zeal

We all contribute to God’s plan, especially the people who associate more closely with the person in the odor of holiness.

In particular, Mariano Arciero’s mother could have intervened between the desire of the nobleman for whom her son was in service to take him to Naples and all their projects

She and she instead she let him go saying: “If my son has to become a saint, I’m happy not to see him anymore”.

Mariano became a priest like the gentleman whose page he was, a presbyter too

In his mission as a priest, he above all promoted love for Jesus in the sacrament.

This is how he defined the Blessed Sacrament: “Beautiful joy, my love, the madman of love”.

If this love were lacking, all else would be useless.

He turned with great passion to the priests for whom he was an impeccable educator and a preacher like few there were.

Contenting himself with the sufficient food that the Fathers of the Oratory and the Seminary guaranteed him, he continued his mission unstoppable.

He never considered confession a small thing or apostolic duty (and for all this is an ideal model) which indeed brought him much satisfaction for the numerous conversions.

The so-called penitents of Don Mariano are in fact all that series of people who decided to convert for life on the basis of the teachings of Don Mariano.

Catechesis, charity and preaching: the 3 pillars for which Mariano worked

Born in Contursi in 1707, the tireless Don Mariano was willing to help all the brothers and sisters he knew.

He was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012 over a distant miracle of healing.

Of course, until he is canonized he can grant even more graces simply by invoking him.

The interesting detail is represented by his constant return to the beautiful Naples from which he never left but rather breathing his last there.

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