Sister Angelita Jacobe: The Work Of Mercy I Found In Spadoni Space

From Cameroon to Italy, Sister Angelita Jacobe arrives in Lucca and meets the experience of the PROGETTI carried out by Spazio Spadoni. She wanted to describe her experience, which we gladly publish

Sister Angelita: “I never thought that that sister I was wishing also to work at the service of “Misericordia” was I”

“The work of mercy by the Spazio Spadoni  is indeed a marvellous manifestation of the action of the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Compassion of God.

For me, it is God’s providential kindness and mercy to whole Church.

I came to Italy actually to represent our Cameroon Mission in the General Chapter of our Congregation Sisters Oblates of the Holy Spirit.

When I visited our Mother House in Lucca, I met two Indian Sisters, not of our congregation but they are living in our community while they are at the service of the “Misericordia de Lucca”.

Every day, they used to go out early to accompany the disabled children in the school, then visiting the sick then taking back home again the disabled children from the school.

I was impressed for such holy and noble apostolate, and I said to myself, how I wish some of our sisters there can also work with them.

I never thought that that sister I was wishing also to work at the service of “Misericordia” was I.

When I went back to Rome for the Chapter, our Mother General, Sr. Maria Laura told me that after my part in the Chapter I would be leaving for Formation with Spazio Spadoni in Loppiano.

Our Mother General told me that Spazio Spadoni was the one who invited the two Indian sisters to work with the “Misericordia” and they intently helping missions in Africa.

I was surprised with a mixed feeling of excitement though a bit worried of the French language as the medium in the formation.

In Loppiano, I have met my new community with Luigi Spadoni and Selene Pera, as our guide who had taken care of us, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.

We had a good Integrated Formation program on the Economy of Communion in the context of “Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.”

Sister Angelita and sisters trained to be ‘Ambassadors of Mercy’

We were formed to be  ambassadress of mercy allowing us to experience also by our own selves how to be beneficiaries of GOD’S MERCY in the spirit of generous service “HIC SUM”….HERE I AM, the servant of the Lord of mercy, the servant of mercy.

They empowered us also in our congregational charism, vision and mission by inculcating consciousness of working in our apostolate is indeed fulfilling a particular corporal or spiritual works of mercy.

As I came back to my mission here in Cameroon, I brought the zeal of this “HIC SUM” more aware of the great need to incarnate God’s mercy especially for the poor souls, hungry and thirsty for God’s love and dignity of being children of God.

I have shared to my whole community the zeal that is burning in my heart.

At the moment, this zeal in mission of works of mercy become so imminent among us within the community and in all our apostolic works of catechesis to small children in the parish and around us and giving recollections .

I wish and pray that it will grow more and more as God’s providential mercy abounds more and more not only to our community but to all the people we touched, together with all my co-Sisters’Luigine ( the surname by us).

Moreover, may the Lord our God, the Source of all Goodness and Mercy empowers more the Family of Spazio Spadoni and may all their endeavours bring God’s Goodness and.

God protect us!

Sister Angelita Jacobe

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Spazio Spadoni

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