Saint Of The Day 19 March: Saint Joseph

The traditional Father’s Day impersonated wonderfully by the figure of St Joseph, a worker, a responsible carpenter

Today, 19 March, already the children, starting with a now secularised tradition and custom, are rushing to deliver presents to their fathers.

A hoard of kisses and attentions that will never be the obnoxious chit-chat because dad is always dad

Among the first words we learnt to pronounce is always this beautiful juxtaposition of equal sounds: DAD

St Joseph is daddy, and it matters little if it is biological because daddy is always daddy.

Some prefer the word daddy, giving a tone of wisdom to this all-round man who accompanies the best years of our lives.

Here are some characteristics that fathers, following in the footsteps of St Joseph, must try to learn through the experience of fatherhood (filial, spiritual, biological…).

St Joseph’s gift of paternal custody

“After Mary Most Holy, he is the depositary and custodian of heavenly graces. His power and goodness are known to many, and from all sides the faithful have recourse to him, who has necessary attributes to succour the unfortunate’.

From these words of Don Giacinto Bianchi, apostolic missionary founder of the Daughters of Mary Missionaries, emerges precisely a positive double stature of the figure of Joseph.

Knowing how to guard seems easy but it is not, because the world we live in is a ‘throwaway’ world.

If you can preserve the value of life, then you can transmit joy to others.

How can you console the afflicted if you yourself are not joy?

Light up the heart of charity: Joseph loves us

To find oneself scolding a son is not as good as trying to understand his son’s sorrows.

Charity is love; if charity is missing, there is no love.

A theological virtue from which there is no escape, resounding cymbals are of no use.

Charity is silent, it does not murmur and knows the sensitive language of God’s love.

Joseph can by that flame of charity with which his heart burns succour us in every need

Let us always have recourse to him.

Sister Ines Carlone Daughters of Mary Missionaries

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Giacinto Bianchi Venerabile

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