Saint Of The Day 6 of April: Peter of Verona

Surrounded by heretics, Peter of Verona prodigiously converted in years when Catholicism certainly did not have carte blanche

We are placed in the historical context that was certainly not easy for Catholicism in the first half of the 13th century in the Italian scenario.

Even an unaware person would understand Peter of Verona’s difficult moves to defend and strenuously defend Catholicism.

We find him in every corner of Italy, on the streets, countering the heresies of his time: Como, Milan, Vercelli, Rome, Florence…

Peter of Verona’s friendship with the Servants of Mary

The first spark of conversion was ignited with St Dominic, starting with one of his sermons.

Then the flame of God’s love involved him in a burst of impetuous passion, to such an extent that he exclaimed, referring to the heretics: ‘I will fight them more dead than alive’.

He knew his hour was approaching and in fact he was murdered by those he tried to convert.

The hard times of the Church’s public inquisition and Peter’s mission

No time is to be forgotten and every time is to be contextualised to the customs of a historical period.

Certainly, from the moment the imperial authorities converted to the message of Peter of Verona, the heretics had no escape.

And the feeling of revenge took the precipice with Peter ready to sacrifice himself for the only Truth.

And so on 6 April 1252, he was barbarously murdered.

The executioners later converted and became Dominicans.

This example should teach us to always pray for the murderers and executioners so that, in conscious cases, there may be a conversion of heart.

Saint Peter of Verona intercede for us and for the blood shed in the world.

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Sito ufficiale della Santa Sede

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