Rosolini, A Grand Gala To Celebrate The Volunteers Of The Misericordie And To Salute The Sisters Of Hic Sum

After a year at the Misericordia di Rosolini, Sister Perla and Sister Angelica are returning to Mexico: this part of their journey in Hic Sum has come to an end, and the volunteers wanted to say goodbye and hug them

Rosolini’s warm greeting to the sisters of Hic Sum

The Gran Gala della Misericordia di Rosolini took place on Friday 10 March, this year also centred on a farewell to Sister Perla and Sister Angelica, the sisters of HIC SUM from Spazio Spadoni.

After a year of training in Italy, they will return to Mexico to continue the project.

Sister Angelica, visibly moved, described her experience in Italy with these words: “I felt loved, in Rosolini.

And when a person is loved, he can only give more love.

To love the other because first of all I am loved by God; this was the greatest teaching I got from the Misericordia of Rosolini.

I remember with immense joy the embrace that Luigi Spadoni gave me the first time we met in San Cerbone; it was unforgettable and I want to bring the same embrace to my Sisters in Mexico”.

In a few words, Sister Perla told us about the bond she established with the Rosolini community: ‘this experience has marked my life; the Misericordia of Rosolini is a family that welcomed us with a human, Christian spirit, of friendship.

Their wealth is a wealth that I now carry in my heart and want to witness in our community in Mexico’.

The Rector of the Misericordia of Rosolini, Fr Luigi Vizzini addressed the sisters with these words

“We have learned so much from the simplicity of your hearts. What has been built during this year in the relationship will certainly not be erased by distance’.

Perla and Angelica in recent months have woven a dense network of relationships in Rosolini and have left their mark among the volunteers; this is confirmed by Governor Nino Savarino “I was immediately struck by their spontaneity; I know that their hearts will remain in Rosolini and in prayer we will support each other and always feel close”.

Luigi Spadoni, President of Spazio Spadoni for his part said

“The HIC SUM in Rosolini embodies all the objectives we had set ourselves in conceiving a project with reciprocity as a priority.

The sisters from Mexico were welcomed by the Brotherhood, they left their mark of gratuity and mission throughout the community, working to make the Mexican reality known and to address with their Congregation all the themes of Mercy that they experienced in this wonderful Sicilian land.

During this year, Perla and Angelica have been a witness and tangible sign of gift and love, interpreting the Gospel in their daily lives.

The Mexican sisters shared with forty other sisters from the South of the World, from different Congregations, the themes of Works of Mercy, social enterprise and community economy”.

The evening ended with all the volunteers embracing the two sisters and the promise of a reunion in Mexico.

Rosolini, the photogallery of the farewell to the Hic Sum sisters Sister Perla and Sister Angelica

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