From Italy to Benin: Sister Beatrice Presents Spazio Spadoni And The Works Of Mercy
After the formative experience offered in Loppiano by Spazio Spadoni, the Franciscan Sisters Daughters of Padre Pio of Benin organize meetings for the sisters of the whole congregation
On Saturday 25 March the first of the three meetings on the Works of Mercy was held, organized by the Franciscan Sisters Daughters of Padre Pio of Benin and addressed to their Sisters
Last November, Sister Beatrice held the course in Loppiano centered precisely on the Works of Mercy and the Economy of Communion.
She herself, on her return to Benin, with the support of Mother Madeleine Koty moved to organize some moments so that the wealth received in Italy could also be shared with all the sisters of her Congregation.
The theme of Saturday which began at 10.00 and ended around 17.00 was the following “The Works of Mercy and our charism of compassion”.
The sisters were presented with Spazio Spadoni, its activities and its mission, the importance that volunteering represents in Italy and the voluntary service on the 14 Works of Mercy which could also be developed in Benin and more generally within the Congregation supported by Spazio Spadoni.
52 sisters from Benin, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Togo were present at this first meeting
The next appointments are scheduled for April 29 and May 20; alongside an in-depth analysis of the Works of Mercy and the charism of the Congregations there will also be space to talk about the business model and for practical training on the making of bread and soap.
Article by Selene Pera
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