Foundation “The Economy of Francesco” Formally Established
Two years after the Pact of Assisi, signed between the Holy Father and the young people of the Economy of Francis, on 23 September 2024, The Economy of Francesco Foundation was officially established, under the direction and inspiration of Pope Francis
The Foundation, which responds to the legal scheme of the participatory foundation, is constituted, on the direction and inspiration of the Holy Father, by the Diocese of Assisi – Nocera Umbra – Gualdo Tadino, by the International Association for an Economy of Communion, by the Istituto Serafico (Seraphic Institute) for the deaf and blind of Assisi.
These are the main goals of the new Foundation The Economy of Francesco : «Promote and organize initiatives and activities in the cultural and spiritual fields, scientific research, interdisciplinary training, business and innovation; foster awareness and responsibility of an economic and entrepreneurial life in the name of integral human development; encourage cultural, academic, editorial and entrepreneurial experiences and paths».
Here is what Bishop of Assisi, Domenico Sorrentino, President of the Foundation said: “With the formal constitution of “The Economy of Francesco” we enter the heart of a journey that has never stopped.
From today the young people of EoF officially become protagonists of this path that wants to enter the universities, businesses and the world of cooperation so that the dominant economic culture gives way to a new way of thinking that cares about the person, his charisms, the environment and the territory, rather than mere profit.
It is now clear to everyone that the care and active involvement of workers and the protection of the common home are elements that not even entrepreneurs can ignore. The task of EoF is precisely this – adds the president – to make people understand and spread a different economic thought that includes the values of proximity, circularity, subsidiarity, ethics, fraternity and equity“.
The Foundation will operate in these accompanied by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (DPIHD) at the behest of the Holy Father.
- Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash