Which movements, associations, organisations have joined Economy of Francis?

A global initiative for a fairer and more sustainable economy

The full list of organisations, movements and entities that have joined the ‘Economy of Francis‘ movement may vary over time as the movement is open to different realities from all over the world.

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Many NGOs working on social, environmental and economic issues could be involved in the initiative. These organisations often focus on areas such as poverty, education, sustainability and human rights.

Youth movements. Youth activist groups committed to social, environmental and economic issues, such as the Fridays for Future movement, could have a significant presence in the Francis Economy.

Universities and academic institutions- Academic institutions often engage in research and teaching on issues related to economics, social justice and sustainability. These institutions could contribute to the dissemination of sustainable knowledge and practices.

Business associations. Companies and business organisations that are based on sustainable ethical and economic principles could join to share experiences and successful practices.

Religious institutions. In addition to Catholic communities, other religious institutions could join to support the social and ethical commitment promoted by the Francis Economy.

Research and analysis groups. Organisations and groups involved in research, analysis and awareness-raising on economic, social and environmental issues could join to contribute basic data and information.

Development organisations. Organisations working in the field of sustainable development, international cooperation and poverty reduction could share the objectives of the Francis Economy.

Human rights organisations. Groups working for human rights, justice and equity might be interested in contributing to the movement.
Cultural and artistic associations. Artistic and cultural expressions can be an effective means of raising awareness of social and economic issues.
Government organisations. In some cases, governmental organisations or agencies could collaborate with the movement to promote policies and actions in line with the goals of the Francis Economy.

The Economy of Francis movement is an international initiative involving participants from different parts of the world. Since its foundation in 2019, the movement has sought to involve young people from all continents and regions. Therefore, it has been active in many areas of the world.

Geographical areas where the ‘Economy of Francis’ has received particular interest and involvement include:


Given the presence of numerous academic institutions, youth organisations and social movements in Europe, many activities and initiatives related to the ‘Economy of Francis’ may have developed in this region.


Youth movements and social and environmental justice organisations in the Americas, North and South, may have actively participated in the “Economy of Francis” movement.


Even in parts of Africa, where issues of development, justice and sustainability are particularly relevant, there may have been initiatives related to the ‘Economy of Francis’.


Although the movement may not be as widespread as in other regions, it is possible that in some parts of Asia there are groups or networks engaged in promoting the goals of the movement.


Although there may be a less widespread presence than in other regions, there may be young people committed to implementing the principles of the Francis Economy in this region as well.

However, it is important to note that membership and participation may vary widely and new groups may emerge or strengthen in different parts of the world over time.


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