Easter 2023, It’s Time For Greetings To Spazio Spadoni: “For All Christians It Represents Rebirth”

Yesterday 4 April the traditional exchange of greetings from Spazio Spadoni took place on the Zoom platform. The decision to do it on Tuesday was not accidental but aimed at giving strength to “Spadoni Tuesdays” which for two years have been scheduling specific events particularly aimed at the theme of mission

Easter represents for all Christians the transition, liberation, rebirth to a new life, because it reminds us that the Risen Christ is our hope that leads to the True Peace that all humanity needs so much.

It was important for the entire Spadoni Space to prepare for this moment, accompanied by the actors who populate this Space every day

This year we wanted to pray together, valuing the words of Pope Francis spoken last Easter when the world was already involved in war.

We prayed in various languages representing the territories in which Spazio Spadoni operates and more precisely in Italian, English, French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Filipino, Swahili, Kirundi and Kinyarwanda.

The meeting was opened by Mother Elizabeth, superior general of the Missionary Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Gemma who recited the prayer in Italian, followed by Sister Elvy of the Minister Sisters of the Infirm from the Philippines, Sister Lizia of the Daughters of Saint Francis of Sales from Brazil , Sr. Perla and Sr. Angelica of the Catechist Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary from Mexico, Kenyan Sr. Giovanna of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Sr. Esperance of the Abode of Charity Sisters from Rwanda, Sr. Hyacinthe of the Bene Mariya Sisters from Burundi, Sr. Beatrice of the Franciscan Sisters Daughters of Padre Pio from Benin, Sister Maria Angelita of the Oblate Sisters of the Holy Spirit from Cameroon and Sister Freeda Indiana of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Thomas.

In connection many friends and sisters from 29 countries of the world connected with their communities, to underline the international character of the work of Spazio Spadoni.


Brothers and sisters, our hope is called Jesus.

He has entered into the tomb of our sin,

he got to the furthest point where we were lost,

he has traveled the tangles of our fears,

he bore the weight of our oppressions and,

from the darkest depths of our death,

he has awakened us to life and transformed our mourning into dance.

Let’s have Easter with Christ!

He is alive and still today he passes, transforms, frees.

With Him evil no longer has power,

failure can’t stop us from starting over,

death becomes a passage for the beginning of a new life.

Because with Jesus, the Risen One, no night is infinite;

and even in the pitch dark,

in that darkness the morning star shines. Amen

Sister Gloriose Nshimirimana

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Spazio Spadoni

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