What does it take to be a nun?

The path that leads to becoming a nun: convents are independent religious institutions and each of the monastic orders has its own norms regarding entry and the time of formation of new vocations

Community life is a fundamental characteristic and the basis of every monastic order.

Have you ever been curious about what it takes or what you have to do to enter a monastery?

There are a number of necessary steps that should be known in advance.

The goal of a woman who decides to enter a convent is to live a life dedicated to God in community.

For this, certain requirements must be met.

In general – then each order has its own particularities – the normal thing is for the aspiring nun to be between 18 and 25 years old.

This is because the goal is to live the monastic life and you must be at an age where you can freely decide on this change of life.

As in the past, minors are not allowed.

The applicant must also be in possession of a certificate of good health issued by a doctor.

This may sound strange, but it is very necessary, as life in the cloister is hard.

The nuns get up very early, barely turn on the heating for lack of money at times, and work hard to maintain the convent.

Secondly, the person must have a deep religious faith and conviction and a desire to live a life dedicated to God.

You must have a knowledge of Christian doctrine so that you can understand the principles and values of monastic life.

Thirdly, there are other requirements, such as the approval of the corresponding religious authority, which means that you must be approved by the religious representation of the monastery in order to enter.

The candidate must be willing to live a life of prayer, work and study.

What does one have to do to enter the convent?

Entering a convent requires commitment and dedication on the part of the person wishing to enter.

Normally, the process to be admitted begins with a discernment of vocation.

This implies that a person must evaluate and explore their desire to join the religious community.

Once the decision to enter the convent has been made, the community is contacted for more information.

This usually involves an interview with the superior of the community to better understand the expectations of the aspiring nun and how they can commit to them.

After the interview, the postulants are invited to begin a period of discernment, which lasts from six months to a year, depending on the different orders.

During this period, candidates have the opportunity to live and work within the community to decide whether this is the path they really want for their lives.

At the end of the discernment period, the postulant’s vocation is assessed. If accepted, you will move on to the next stage of preparation for religious life.

This may include formation courses, as well as time for reflection and meditation on the faith.

Once preparation is complete, the postulant may make temporary vows, officially entering the community and committing to live a religious life.

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