Saints of the Day for May 21: Saint Cristóbal Magallanes and Companions

Saint Cristóbal Magallanes and Companions’ Story: like Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro, SJ, Cristóbal and his 24 companion martyrs lived under a very anti-Catholic government in Mexico, one determined to weaken the Catholic faith of its people

Churches, schools, and seminaries were closed; foreign clergy were expelled.

Cristóbal established a clandestine seminary at Totatiche, Jalisco

He and the other priests were forced to minister secretly to Catholics during the presidency of Plutarco Calles (1924-28).

All of these martyrs except three, were diocesan priests.

David, Manuel and Salvador were laymen who died with their parish priest, Luis Batis.

They all belonged to the Cristero movement, pledging their allegiance to Christ and to the Church that he established, to spread the Good News in society—even if Mexico’s leaders had made it a crime to receive baptism or celebrate the Mass.

These martyrs did not die as a single group but over 22 years time in eight Mexican states, with Jalisco and Zacatecas having the largest number.

They were beatified in 1992 and canonized eight years later.

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