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Saint of the Day for May 20: Saint Bernardine of Siena

Saint Bernardine of Siena’s Story: most of the saints suffer great personal opposition, even persecution. Bernardine, by contrast, seems more like a human dynamo who simply took on the needs of the world

He was the greatest preacher of his time, journeying across Italy, calming strife-torn cities, attacking the paganism he found rampant, attracting crowds of 30,000, following Saint Francis of Assisi’s admonition to preach about “vice and virtue, punishment and glory.”

Compared with Saint Paul by the pope, Bernardine had a keen intuition of the needs of the time, along with solid holiness and boundless energy and joy

He accomplished all this despite having a very weak and hoarse voice, miraculously improved later because of his devotion to Mary.

When he was 20, the plague was at its height in his hometown of Siena.

Sometimes as many as 20 people died in one day at the hospital.

Bernardine offered to run the hospital and, with the help of other young men, nursed patients there for four months

He escaped the plague, but was so exhausted that a fever confined him for several months.

He spent another year caring for a beloved aunt whose parents had died when he was a child, and at her death began to fast and pray to know God’s will for him.

At 22, he entered the Franciscan Order and was ordained two years later.

For almost a dozen years he lived in solitude and prayer, but his gifts ultimately caused him to be sent to preach.

He always traveled on foot, sometimes speaking for hours in one place, then doing the same in another town.

Especially known for his devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus, Bernardine devised a symbol—IHS, the first three letters of the name of Jesus in Greek—in Gothic letters on a blazing sun.

This was to displace the superstitious symbols of the day, as well as the insignia of factions: for example, Guelphs and Ghibellines.

The devotion spread, and the symbol began to appear in churches, homes and public buildings.

Opposition arose from those who thought it a dangerous innovation.

Three attempts were made to have the pope take action against him, but Bernardine’s holiness, orthodoxy, and intelligence were evidence of his faithfulness.

General of the Friars of the Strict Observance, a branch of the Franciscan Order, Bernardine strongly emphasized scholarship and further study of theology and canon law.

When he started there were 300 friars in the community; when he died there were 4,000.

He returned to preaching the last two years of his life, dying while traveling.

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