Saint Of The Day On 27 March: Saint Rupert
The saint with the salt shaker in his hand, Rupert, often arouses curiosity, but not only was he salt and light of the world! He also founded the village of salt
Here is Saint Rupert, a man imbued with practical, embodied faith
He never lived by abstract visions in the same way as any good Christian.
It is often rumoured: I am a Christian but not a practising one, a cliché to be debunked.
Just being filled with his love, invoking the support of his Spirit, should give us that royal dignity that leads every man on his path.
Let us imagine Rupert walking on this path hollowed out by faith, small ledges that demarcate our path for so many reasons and so many difficulties (daily life, reduced time, lack of additional resources).
The itinerant preacher Rupert
His training was monastic but Ruperto began to build as he walked.
Wherever he passed a church arose and the church implied a new community.
With different gifts and charisms, he was a bit like that itinerant missionary St Paul who looked after the needs of the surrounding populations to which he went.
And so, during the eighth century, the first episcopal see arose around a lake: Rupert is considered the first bishop.
His niece also converted to follow Jesus
The name Salzburg comes from salt, an essential resource for the subsistence of the local population near Ruperts church.
With his niece, the abbess, he founded female monastic communities in the most suitable places and thanks to the oblations of the local nobles.
Let us take some inspiration, then, from this man full of energy to try to edify the world around us in the true sense of the word.
We want with all our hearts to become salt and light of this world!
Sister Ines Carlone Daughters of Mary Missionaries
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