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Saint of the Day for May 22: Saint Rita of Cascia

Like Elizabeth Ann Seton, Rita of Cascia was a wife, mother, widow, and member of a religious community. Her holiness was reflected in each phase of her life

Born at Roccaporena in central Italy, Rita wanted to become a nun but was pressured at a young age into marrying a harsh and cruel man

During her 18-year marriage, she bore and raised two sons.

After her husband was killed in a brawl and her sons had died, Rita tried to join the Augustinian nuns in Cascia.

Unsuccessful at first because she was a widow, Rita eventually succeeded.

Over the years, her austerity, prayerfulness, and charity became legendary.

When she developed wounds on her forehead, people quickly associated them with the wounds from Christ’s crown of thorns.

She meditated frequently on Christ’s passion.

Her care for the sick nuns was especially loving.

She also counseled lay people who came to her monastery.

Beatified in 1626, Rita was not canonized until 1900.

She has acquired the reputation, together with Saint Jude, as a saint of impossible cases.

Many people visit her tomb each year.

Saint Rita of Cascia is the Patron Saint of:

Difficult Marriages

Impossible Causes



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