Loppiano, Sister Esperance Nyirasafari: “My Stay in Italy”
Sister Esperance Nyirasafari: “It is my joy to talk about my stay in Italy especially in Loppiano”
The stay in Loppiano of Sister Esperance Nyirasafari, Congregation of the Sisters of Charity in Residence from Rwanda
“First of all I thank the good Lord who gave Mr Luigi the gift of giving himself by founding the Spazio Spadoni PROGETTI and a gift of dedication to Selene to promote generative paths between the experience of voluntary work and social commitment operating in Italy and the women religious congregations in the countries of Africa, South America and Asia.
For me, it is a miracle to come to Italy, especially to Rome to the headquarters of our Catholic Church, to attend mass in the basilica in Rome, to go to the Angelus prayer with the Pope, and to Assisi with St Francis of Assisi living his spirituality.
I also had the opportunity to experience a month of formation in Loppiano with sisters from different congregations, charisms and customs.
I felt like I was living in a convent of the Luigine nuns because it was he who brought us together from various countries in French-speaking Africa.
As for the training on the 14 works of mercy: 7 spiritual and 7 corporal, all of them, I take them as the Gospel of Jesus because they help us to be merciful as our Father in heaven is merciful.
Truly, I learnt many things that I cannot forget, but among them I would like to mention two that particularly touched me: not expecting graces when helping a poor person, and Luigi Spadoni’s behaviour when we were in church before the Celebration as a father of children circulating among us, to ask us that we are in good health.
Finally, as a Sister Ambassador of the Works of Mercy, I continue to trust in God’s Providence and the dedication of Luigi Spadoni and Selene Pera, whom all Sister Ambassadors like me will have the opportunity to meet again one day.
May the Lord our Father bless the PROGETTI Spazio Spadoni and its founder Luigi Spadoni.
May God protect us!”
Sister Esperance Nyirasafari
Congregation of the Sisters of Charity in Residence in Rwanda
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