Saint Of The Day Of Feb. 27: Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

A short but intense life among the Passionists, Gabriel (baptized Francis) was in love with Jesus. He had his spiritual diary burned

He moved everything with simplicity and humility, almost nonchalance; snapshots of a journey that left his mark and tangible testimony.

Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, named Francesco Possenti, did not even make it to the age of 30 because of a serious illness.

But his expeditious steps led him to where God wanted him.

A few hints about the life of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows:

He was born in Assisi on March 1, 1838 but lived a migrant life because of his father’s work.

Carabiniere would we say today? But no. He was an official of the Papal States.

Between destinations he ended up staying in Spoleto.

What certainly influenced Gabriel’s vocation was education: elementary school from the Brothers of the Christian Schools and classical high school from the Jesuits.

As soon as he finished his studies he had no doubt what his path should be and chose the Passionists.

Religious life for Gabriel was the focus of his love for Jesus and Mary

He had plenty of time to occupy himself with the spiritual life, to withdraw into intimate dialogue with the Lord.

And he made himself so convincing to others as well.

Thus he wrote in one of his letters to his sick father, “The conversation of Jesus and Mary alone will console you, give you strength, assist you. And therefore get good books that speak of the love of Jesus and Mary.”

He wanted to call himself of Our Lady of Sorrows because, as he summarized, Our Lady’s sorrows are his paradise.

There are not many other traces of his spiritual experiences because he gave orders to his spiritual director to burn his diary.

But the greatest devotion was to Mary.

This was all his strong, resolute consecration in the ranks of the Passionists.

Gabriel died at Isola del Gran Sasso on February 27, 1862

When we want Mary’s intercession we can also rest with the saints who had a strong devotion to her.

Sister Ines Carlone Daughters of Mary Missionaries

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