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Peace Be With Us: On June 10 Pope Francis And 29 Nobel Prize Winners Will Sign A Document On Fraternity

During the World Meeting on Fraternity organized by the Vatican on June 10, 2023, Pope Francis will sign, with 29 Nobel laureates (see list below), a document on human fraternity, the Holy See Press Office announces June 5

Among the winners present with the pontiff will be former presidents Lech Walęsa (Poland), Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia) and Oscar Arias Sánchez (Cosa-Rica).

The document on fraternity will be the subject of a meeting of 29 Nobel laureates or representatives of award-winning organizations on the morning of June 10 at the Palazzo della Cancelleria

In the afternoon, the document will be presented and signed by the Pope and the Nobel laureates during an event in St. Peter’s Square.

This document on human fraternity should not be confused with the homonymous document signed by the Pope and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmed al-Tayyeb, in Abu Dhabi, in 2019.

In addition to the Nobel Prize winners and the Pope, artists, scientific and cultural personalities, environmental activists, the homeless, immigrants, schoolchildren and many young people, including young Russians and Ukrainians, will participate in workshops of fraternal reflection.

In the afternoon, young people will form a circle in the square, shaking hands, a “symbolic” gesture of peace.

During this day, St. Peter’s Square will be twinned with other places in the world where similar events will take place: Jerusalem (Israel), Nagazaki (Japan), Bangui (Central African Republic) Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Brazzaville (Congo ), Lima (Peru). Conceived as a party, the event will continue until the evening with many Italian artists, including the tenor Andrea Bocelli.

This conference is financed by the Italian companies Fiat, Codiretti, Intesa San Paolo, Italian Airways and Novamont. It will be broadcast by Rai and the Vatican media from 16:00 to 18:45.


Nobel Peace Prize (individual):

Juan Manuel Santos, President of the Republic of Colombia (2010-2018) – Nobel Peace Prize 2016.

Oscar Arias Sanchez; President of the Republic of Costa Rica (1986-1990; 2006-2010) – Nobel Peace Prize 1987.

Lech Walęsa, President of the Republic of Poland (1990-1995) – Nobel Peace Prize 1983.

José Ramos-Horta, President of the Democratic Republic of East Timor (2007-2012; 2022-) – Nobel Peace Prize 1996.

Jody Williams, founder of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines – Nobel Peace Prize 1997.

Sirin Ebadi, Iranian human rights and democracy activist – Nobel Peace Prize 2003.

Muhammad Yunus, founding economist of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh – Nobel Peace Prize 2006.

Leymah Roberta Gbowee, Liberian pacifist – Nobel Peace Prize 2011.

Tawakkol Karman, leader of the Arab Spring in Yemen – Nobel Peace Prize 2011.

Denis Mukwege, DRC gynecologist, committed against violence against women – Nobel Peace Prize 2018.

Nadia Murad Basee Taha, activist against sexual violence against women in Iraq – Nobel Peace Prize 2018.

Maria Angelita Ressa, Filipino free speech activist – Nobel Peace Prize 2021.

The 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner, feminist activist Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, sent a representative for her.

Nobel Peace Prize (organizations)

International Peace Office – Nobel Peace Prize 1910.

American Friends Service Committee (Quakers) – Nobel Peace Prize 1947.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Nobel Peace Prize 1954 and 1981.

UNICEF – Nobel Peace Prize 1965.

International Labor Organization (ILO) – Nobel Peace Prize 1969.

International Association of Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War – Nobel Peace Prize 1985.

United Nations Peacekeeping Force – 1988 Nobel Peace Prize.

Pugwash Movement – Nobel Peace Prize 1995.

International campaign to ban landmines – Nobel Peace Prize 1997.

International Atomic Energy Agency – Nobel Peace Prize 2005.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – Nobel Peace Prize 2007.

Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons – Nobel Peace Prize 2013.

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons – Nobel Peace Prize 2017.

Center for Civil Liberties – Nobel Peace Prize 2022.

United Nations – Nobel Peace Prize 2001.

Nobel Prize for Physics

Giorgio Parisi (Italy – 2021)

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