My Mission As Ambassador Of The Works Of Mercy In Spazio Spadoni
What are works of mercy? Mercy professionals tend to focus only on corporal works of mercy, i.e. physical problems, and how to deal with them
But from the point of view of Pope Pius X, in 1889, man is more than a body, his thoughts, his spirit, his emotions are an integral part of who he is, even of the family and community of which he is a part.
So it is obvious to reconcile or create cohesion between the 7 corporal works of mercy and the 7 spiritual works of mercy
Thus the problems with which man is confronted are not only bodily.
Psychological, social and spiritual issues are also important.
It is necessary to take man in his entirety; the goal would be to improve the quality of life, to be serene and as integrated as possible.
My mission experience, sensitising volunteers to live faith and charity through works of mercy in the spirit of Spazio Spadoni, and marked by a concern to spread this mission, covers 4 aspects of the holistic approach, including:
- Corporal: visiting and providing food, water, clothing and home and/or hospital care;
- Spiritual: praying with, preparing and participating in the sacraments (for those of Catholic obedience), counselling the doubtful, teaching the ignorant, admonishing sinners;
- Social: identify problems: food, drinking water, housing, unemployment, isolation (relating with others);
- Psychic: help overcome anxiety, fear, sadness, emotional problems.
Mercy is a network that helps to be connected on all levels, to be attentive and close to people.
Works of mercy are acts of charity and faith
They are the seal of God’s love for his Church; that of the Church, and of all people of good will, without preference or discrimination, for all mankind, to restore the dignity of God’s children to each and everyone.
Signed by Sister Mary of the Eucharist Pomboy, Congregation of the Sisters of the Dominican Missionary Families
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