Ecstasy of St. Gemma: 56-60
The Ecstasies of St. Gemma, a powerful testimony of faith
Ecstasy 56
Like the Bride of the sacred Canticles, she wants to run after Jesus, whose love for her burns her and makes her happy (Cf. P. GERM. N. XXIV).
[May 1901].
What peace, what quiet, even that you hide. If you want to go far, Jesus, let’s go up the mountains, let’s run… I burn with the same flames, I am bound by the same chains. Stay away, Jesus: as long as I never lack your love… I keep these caresses for those souls you have already placed… Even if the world is dark, I don’t care. Light me up: your love is enough for me. I wish everyone would say that your love consumed me. Love love!
But I want to go with you: where are you going?… Go as far away as you want; I will always come after you. Why did you show me so much love first, and then to do this to me? Cruel Jesus! . It’s the love I had for you that makes me talk like this. Forgive me, oh my Love: it is your love that makes me speak like this. But if you do not return, my God, I will die… O Jesus, support me: I may lack everything, but not your support. But your love is enough for me, and then you run away as much as you want….
How calm, how quiet, even if you are far away! For goodness’ sake, Jesus, even if you are far away, don’t allow any creature to ever come and disturb me. I want to stay with you.
But I’m there, my God. You tell me that running away is love… let’s run away, let’s run away! .
Ecstasy 57
She humbly begs for mercy, calling herself an orphan, the fruit of the Passion of Jesus and the sprout of her wounds (Cf. P. GERM. N. XXV). .
[Saturday] June 29 [1901], at 7 pm.
O Jesus, have mercy on me! I who have prayed for others many times… Have mercy on a sinner… who cost you your life. Forgive me, my God. I am an orphan, I no longer have a father, I no longer have a mother; have mercy on the orphans, have mercy on me. I am a fruit of your Passion, I am a sprout of your wounds… .
Ecstasy 58
She seeks Jesus who hides from her; she offers her imagination to the Most Holy Mary (Cf. P. GERM. n. XXIV).
[Sunday 6 October 1901].
Why, Jesus, don’t you let yourself be found? You are celebrating in the sky, and you leave me so abandoned?. Why are you running away from me?
And you, O Mother, where are you? Unite my heart with that of Jesus. Don’t you know, Mother, that today… Today, Mother, I have something to consecrate to you… Accept it. I dedicate my imagination to you. Consecrated to you, I will not have to fear… But Jesus? And Jesus… why is he hiding like this today? You, [my Angel], who have always been my companion, where are you?…
Ecstasy 59
Despite her unworthiness, she tastes the delights of paradise in Holy Communion (Cf. P. GERM. Nos. XX and IV).
Friday 25 October 1901.
O Jesus, I who deserve to stay in hell burning… and you make me experience the delights of your love?
I would almost say, Jesus, that I am the master of you.
Yes, I feel you in my heart… I feel you so alive. What a mystery!… I feel like I’m in Heaven… When in the morning you come on my tongue, then descend into my heart, I forget all the afflictions… the earth disappears from me, and I taste only you.
Don’t be afraid, Jesus, because no one can steal me anymore… Make me love you, love you always, love you more and more… One time or another, Jesus, you will make me die, when I feel you tremble like this in my heart…
Ecstasy 60
She confides in Jesus an intimate pain, which she wants to suffer with him alone.
Sunday 3 November 1901.
O Jesus, this morning in telling you all the other things I skipped that pain that only you can know. Go, discover, look at it; you know it… Come on then, let’s suffer it together.
O Jesus, you too suffer.