Ecstasy of St. Gemma: 111-115
The Ecstasies of St. Gemma, a powerful testimony of faith
Ecstasy 111
Remembering the great battles won over the devil, with the help of Jesus, she feels moved to the deepest gratitude of him. She does not dare ask for new graces, because the generous Jesus gives her more than she asks for (Cf. P. GERM. N. XXVII).
Wednesday 6 August 1902, 11 am. about.
Have you seen this morning, O Jesus? after I received you, I began to consider the great battles that with your help I won over the devil. I have counted many!…. Is it possible, O Lord, that without your divine help I could win such strong battles? Who knows how many times, if you didn’t help me, my faith would waver! If you did not help me, my hope and my charity… My intellect would have been darkened, if you, eternal sun… My love, O Jesus, how many times would have weakened, if you did not come with your caresses to strengthen it! And in the will, which is the most necessary, in the will there has been laziness how many times! but you inflamed it with your fire. I recognize it: it was all the work of your love, all victories of your infinite love. And now, O Lord, shouldn’t I be grateful to you?
Can’t you see I can’t do anything? At least be happy if I dedicate myself to you with all my senses, both internal and external…
* * *
Then I promise you something very grateful, O Jesus: in the morning when I was nourished by Holy Communion…
Eh, the effectiveness of your love can do so much, it can do everything!…
Oh I’ve told you so many times! I understand that I would offend you if I preferred my will to yours.
Or what do you want me to ask of you, if I see that you give me more than I ask of you; if you give me more than I ask for?… I always see you interested in me.
Nothing, nothing, O Lord, of what you do not want. I started this morning… I will try to serve you with more fidelity, generous Jesus!
Ecstasy 112
He would like to have the hearts of all the Angels and Saints to offer them to the Eternal Father. With holy confidence she tells Jesus what she would do if she were Jesus. Her unlimited trust in divine mercy; feelings of humility and gratitude (Cf… P. GERM. n. XXVII).
Thursday 7 August 1902, 9 am. about.
I would like to have in this instant, O eternal Father, the heart of all the Angels, the heart of all the Saints, of all the elect, and even of my heavenly Mother; indeed I would like to have that of your Son, to offer them all to you in your glory and honor.
Dear Jesus!… Let’s say, O Lord, that you were my person and I were Jesus…
Like, what would I do? I would stop being me, so that you could be, O God.
Why, O Lord, do you make all of me burn with your divine fire, with your fire of love? I would like to inflame all the creatures of the world…
Oh yes, I could!… You see, my Jesus, I have so much confidence in you that even if I saw the doors of hell open and found myself on the edge of the abyss, I would not despair. And even if I saw hell and Heaven against me, I would not distrust mercy, because I would trust in you. You are so merciful, so merciful!…
I have offended you, I have offended you a lot… You say that it is cruelty if any creature is offended; oh, what cruelty must be mine, that I have offended a God… a creator… a celestial good!… You have given me so many graces, so many benefits, you have saved me in a marvelous way, and yet my heart he does not shake!… And how can you, my heart, see the Only Begotten of the eternal Father on a scaffold, and not die?…
Ecstasy 113
Recognizing herself as a sinner and undeserving of divine favors, she says that she should return to the altar many hosts stolen by her. Rather die than lack fidelity and love (Cf. P. GERM. n. XX).
Thursday 7 August 1902, 11 am. about.
O Jesus, Jesus! What were you laughing at?…
Yes!… Yes, I want you at all hours, at all moments. Yes!… My soul, be stable in your resolutions. Do you see, my soul, Jesus?…
I am yours, I am yours, Jesus…
But with so many subtleties, with so much love, what strength not to conquer, what will not to kidnap?
O Jesus, you would be right to complain about me; yes, because I have offended you… And undeserving as I am, I should also return to the altar so many particles, stolen [by me], so much blood… But I promise you amends; it is enough that you continue the flow of your favors… Why, from the mud where I am, raise me to Paradise?…
Rather than lacking faithfulness and love, let me die… Better to live in pain than to live as a sinner…
What do you want? What do you want, O Jesus?… May my love be invariable? I will feed him every day with your flesh and blood; and fed by your blood…
Ecstasy 114
She again hates his ingratitude and demands love. She would like to fly immediately to Jesus in paradise, but her unworthiness holds her back (Cf. P. GERM. Nos. XXV and XXVI).
Friday 8 August 1902, 9 am. about.
When, oh Lord, will I surrender all of myself to your sweet voices?… When all of me…?
And what do you get from my ingratitude?… Perhaps I am united to you in body; but with the heart?… No, no, the heart is yours. You see, O Jesus: you are a strong, generous king, who wages battle, but then always wants victory. Grant me grace that he may surrender to all your voices, that he may love you with tenderness of affection.
My dear Jesus… how poor you have become!… Why are you like this. need me?… And even if you were really poor, or how could I help you?… Here it is, O Lord, that my body is a handful of dust, and my soul instead, my Lord It makes me feel great… O my soul!…
My Jesus!… With what love, O Jesus, can I repay you?… Come on, Jesus, let’s go!… Let’s go, let’s go… to your Paradise!
Ah!… but no, let’s not leave yet, Jesus, no; because I am afraid, I fear… Didn’t you say, O Lord, that Paradise belongs to those who live in the world, but who do not care about the world?… Don’t you tell me that Paradise belongs to the innocent?. .. And me…?
And what will you do with me?… What will you do with me, oh Lord?… perhaps, oh Lord, you are always the only one who knows the purpose for which you keep me in the world… Why don’t you deign to reveal it to someone?…
Ecstasy 115
Persuaded of the light and strength that comes from the Eucharist, although unworthy, she invites Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to come into her heart (Cf. P. GERM. N. XX).
Saturday 9 August 1902, 9 am.
You contribute to what I said and what I did this morning in Holy Communion, so that with your precious blood they may be purified… [those shortcomings of mine].
Yes… you will do it… yes!… I realized that you wanted that prayer, and I welcomed your thoughtful concerns to your advantage… And because, oh Lord, my need is extreme, profitable the moment, I beg you to come immediately, dear Jesus. Help me to hasten this desire… Give me a hand in this work. And when you have made me pure and clean, then yes, I will do everything; I will make my prayer myself, and at every hour, at every moment…
I would not like my pupils to darken more under the sun of the most august Sacrament… You always give yourself to me, and I am always worse. This thought makes me so sad!
But then you won’t come to the Sacrament?… There is a power that purifies, a virtue that destroys all sins… Oh yes, come, come, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!…