Ecstasy of St. Gemma: 106-110
The Ecstasies of St. Gemma, a powerful testimony of faith
Ecstasy 106
Describes the happiness of paradise; he prays to the Angels to open the doors for him (Cf. P. GERM. n. XXVI).
Thursday 3 July 1902, 11 am.
Or who am I to start talking to my Jesus every moment like this?… Oh Heaven, oh Heaven, let me think of you!… At least when I am up there, I will no longer suffer, I will no longer suffer the pains and pains from down here. O Paradise! in you there will no longer be night, nor darkness, nor changes of things, nor of time… O Paradise! in you there will no longer be either… But the God of God, the light of light, the sun of justice, which is what illuminates you; his immaculate heart will be the one that will give you the clarity of the sun… because consolation is precisely contemplating God, the King of kings who is in the middle of Paradise. Oh good!…
What a consolation, my soul, to be surrounded by Angels, by his favorites! Everyone’s merit is not equal, but joy is unique to each one. O my soul!… O Paradise!… you will see, when I am with you, I will be satisfied, I will no longer need…
O God… let me immerse myself in the charity of your love… O Paradise!… But will I be made worthy of seeing your holy walls?… Will I be made worthy of seeing your foundations? to see your inhabitants, your King?… . I commend myself to you, holy Angels; to you, my Angel: open the door for me… let me in…
Ecstasy 107
She prays to the heavenly Mother to assist her, to give her heart back to Jesus and to take her with him to paradise (Cf. P. GERM. N. II).
Friday 4 July 1902.
… Adored Jesus, uncreated Word!… O Mother, O Mother! if you are a compassionate mother to me, or why abandon this daughter, who loves you so much? Without you who will hear my prayers? who will fulfill my wishes? Without you I am like a sinner… like a poor man without any help. My mother, why leave me? Lead me to heaven too. O Mother, my Mother, you are a pure flower, which sprouts like a white lily. Queen of Heaven… you who take away from creatures the most noble part of their love, you too took it away from me, and now you no longer give it to me, now that under your embraces it is no longer earthly, but entirely celestial. Give it back to me! Eh! My Mama, you don’t want to give it back to me, because you are jealous that I give it back to my Love. Then give it yourself to my Jesus.
Yes, Jesus loves me so much, because every breath of mine belongs to him, every desire of mine belongs to him, every affection of mine belongs to him.
Before. to leave me, you know, my Mama, take me to Heaven with you…
Ecstasy 108
At the thought of paradise he is excited to love the cross. She is hungry for the bread of life. She asks Jesus to crucify his soul or let it die (Cf. P. GERM. N. XVII).
Saturday 5 July 1902.
Why so afflicted, my soul?… You offend your Love if you do not embrace the cross with genius. You don’t care about Heaven if you don’t send your thoughts to Calvary. Do not grieve, my soul: from eternity you are married to Jesus together with his pains, and you are obliged to live crucified.
O Jesus, O Jesus, Jesus, my good!… I am hungry for your bread of life, I am thirsty for your sacramental blood.
Do you know, my soul, why I want you to embrace the cross?… Because if the rod of the cross does not knock you down a little, you are in danger.
O Jesus… I know that the cross is dear to you, and on the cross you have placed all your tenderness, your affections… Yet your love is not jealous of denying it to me, because I ask you for it… Either crucify my soul, or let me die. My Jesus… my beloved, how much I love you!
And I understand you, I understand you, my Jesus, I understood you well this morning… My God, I love you, I love you… My affections, shout; my senses. all cry out: Who is like you, my God? Who among the gods is like you? .
Ecstasy 109
Conversation with Mother Giuseppa, Passionist, to recommend himself to her prayers (Cf. P. GERM. N. XXXII).
Saturday 12 July 1902, 8½ am.
Holy soul, help me; My mother, come to my aid… Mother Giuseppa, holy soul, I need you. Chosen soul, who enjoys the most beautiful part with Jesus, being the bride of his heart: you have made him your delight… I turn to you in particular this morning: say a few prayers to Jesus for me.
Use, holy soul, a small portion of your great fervor to obtain from my unhappy and needy soul that forgiveness which I have never been able to deserve…
More, more… I want more. Interpose, holy soul, that candid affection of yours with Jesus for me, for with that he denies you nothing…
Again, again… Apply, holy soul, the value of that [your] charity, for with that everything is possible for you with Jesus…
Do you see, dear soul, how much I want from you? If you don’t want to do it for me, do it in deference to that God, the sole object of all your care… Mother Giuseppa, tell me, will you do it? Yes, it’s true?
But what will you do if I place obstacles? I have deformed my spirit, a living image of the uncreated beauties of Jesus. Generous Jesus!…
Ecstasy 110
Confused by the many graces with which Jesus fills her, she asks for divine help to respond and to approach the Eucharistic Table with better dispositions. With Jesus she feels happy, she seeks only his friendship and his glory (Cf. P. GERM. N. XXV).
Wednesday 6 August 1902, 9 am. about.
Dear Jesus, paradise of charity, wonder of love! I see myself confused by so many graces, O Lord, and if you do not help me, I will become more and more ignorant; in the abundance of so many benefits I will become increasingly worse…
What would I like? I would like, O Lord, for you to help me… yes, I would not like to come and receive you so badly disposed. Make me worthy of it: at least a little more deserving…
With what, O Jesus?… With the infinite merit of your most precious blood.
Tell me, O Jesus: do you find pleasure in being with me? I really find everything there. The more I think about you, the more I recognize you as sweet and lovable.
Eh, dear Jesus, what do you expect from me, what do you expect?…
I love you because you are my benefactor, my creator, my preserver… You are the consumer, the divinizer of my soul… . And because you are the husband of my soul… I always look for you, I look for your affection, your friendship, your glory… If you help me, I will never fail, because…