Saint of the Day of 28 February: Roman Di Condat

Roman succeeded in imitating the Desert Fathers, along with his brother who, as a widower, wanted to equal him. But he missed a small detail!

It is known that between blood brothers and sisters one is often cat and dog.

And so it was for two brothers: Roman and Lupicino

Romano, the saint remembered today, started the feat first, but could not fail to infect his brother who, with a taste for the challenge, overtook him.

Except that Lupicino was a bit brusque, with an almost inhuman rigidity that made the new recruits give ‘a run for their money’.

Then Romano tried a bit to repair the damage done by his brother and even chased the fugitives begging them to reconsider.

What a shapely pair of brothers! Of the two, therefore, the figure of Lupicino was less popular and did not enjoy his brother’s reputation for holiness.

What had Romano not reckoned with in his enterprise?

It was the reading of the Fathers of the Thebaid that was a real eye-opener.

And he was not alone among his young contemporaries in about 430 AD.

In particular, the bestseller that inspired them was the life of Saint Antony Abbot, written by Saint Athanasius.

Everything was going well for Roman: his choice to retire to a hermit’s life after the monastery was not enough for the kind of contemplative solitude he wanted to experience at close quarters, motivation and gratification.

But at a certain point he realised to his dismay that the experience was beginning to become almost impossible and he thought: they must be good desert fathers!

Think, think he realised that the place they had chosen had a favourable climate (dry and hot) while where he had withdrawn he shivered from the frost and was damp.

This place was called Condat.

Patience, one cannot have everything in life! It’s done, he told himself.

And although he was tempted to back down from his resolution, he did not fall for the temptations of the desert.

His brother certainly could not live with him under the same roof!

So Lupicino founded his monastery near Luconne.

Brothers, I follow you too! So Roman’s sister also followed the holy fashion

This can be called the sacred ‘family custom’.

After a while, the sister arrived with great determination and found some companions and they too founded a monastery, the present monastery of Saint Romain De La Roche.

The monastery of Romain, on the other hand, is now called the Abbey of Saint-Oyend.

These monks even went dressed as St John the Baptist with animal skins, did not eat meat and observed fasting.

The lines of spirituality drew inspiration from St Basil, St Pachomius and St Onorato.

The Legend of St Roman of Condat

The television presenter, respected journalist and man of great culture Maurizio Costanzo died recently.

Well, Romano preferred to go on pilgrimage to the tomb of a saint named Maurice and there, it is said, he cured two lepers.

It is also said that in 444, the bishop of Arles, Saint Hilary, summoned him and so, out of the blue, ordained him a priest.

And it is understandable! A man of such extraordinary talents and, moreover, popular, sweet and amiable with everyone, and never insuperable!

This is what is told about this man who was born in 390 and died in 463.

Let us also help him with little exercises in meekness.

Sister Ines Carlone Daughters of Mary Missionaries

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