Pearl and Angelica: The Two Sisters with Rosolini’s Mercy
The Misericordia di Rosolini, in communion with other Misericordias, welcomed Sister Perla and Angelica for a period. Let’s get to know them
Today we find ourselves talking about the gifts of “differences” that do not create diversity except in the marvelous prodigy of the one who can do everything with Perla and Angelica, two Mexican sisters of the same religious family: Catechist Missionaries Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus And Mary.
They each come from a different part of Mexico.
Want to find out how they complement each other?
Rosolini’s two gifts of Mercy: Pearl and Angelica
Perla comes from the north-east and she herself points out that even in this great north-east there is always a north and a south.
The North East, in a special way, has always been a territory of migrations and of strong and heterogeneous sedimented traditions.
This is Baja California, where Pearl originated.
Angelica comes from the South, Acapulco Guerrero is called the country.
And there, like every South par excellence, there is always a natural enchantment of warmth, expression, color, joy.
Beauty, the one that touches your heart, is found in the South…but along the way you end up in the North, dotting it with poetry.
A strong twinning that of Perla and Angelica with Rosolini’s Misericordia
It is moving to hear the testimony of the volunteers on their year of Mercy in Rosolini so that this Mercy acts as a pioneer compared to the other Mercies.
However, it is also fun to hear the anecdotes of the governor, a free-range Sicilian Nino Savarino who certainly does not spare us the pleasant setbacks of fate.
Here is one: every Misericordia adhering to the Hicsum must arrange for the reception of the sisters.
Too bad that that day when governor in sombrero and garnished team of volunteers there was a problem with the flights and the sisters didn’t arrive.
Making the sisters feel accepted and integrated into civil life does not exempt them from introducing them to the institutions, leading them to get to know the people, in the different parishes.
Nino Savarino coins the winning formula of the 3 A’s for the Hic Sum project: Hospitality, Hospitality, Hospitality.
And it is not always the same because before arriving at what is ultimately naked and simple acceptance, there is preparation for acceptance.
Angelica and Perla seem to agree but basically what has been done is precisely to experience this “gift of differences” that make us a community, saving the world.
Thank God, we are not the same.
After all, we are all a bit of different lineages… everyone went through Rosolini in his time.
And diversity is innate.
Sicily has become, tormented by sudden landings, the land of hospitality where there is that effusive bond that is woven into the caress of the poor and in the “confident” climate.
Sr. Angelica, a sister of Perla, introduces herself to us
We stop to listen to Angelica who comes from a very religious family.
“My dad was for me the person who orients to God”.
These are Angelica’s words that she was struck by how her father stopped in Eucharistic adoration testifying his love.
After all, bread makes one think of what is “part” and “shared”, of distribution and re-distribution.
This is how the fraction of the bread of Mercy that I imagine is in Northern Mexico where we are going to set up our project: the Tortija is shared with the other.
He is invited but at the same time he is ensured that background of training with which those in need can become autonomous, help for life.
Not just a one-time project.
When did I truly understand my calling?
What was the founding moment?
The one where Lorenzo, my boyfriend at the time, on May 10 (Mother’s Day in Mexico) told me he wanted to see mom.
I didn’t know she was dead and when I found out she was shocked.
Why this need to see her? And he explains to me that sometimes you really need to argue with your mother.
“Oh yes, I understand why when you miss your mom, you miss half your life”.
Thus Sister Perla takes us with her into this universe of cultures and colours.
Let’s dive into her testimony and life story in her own words:
I come from a country that has historically become mestizo: for us, mestizo is the fruit of the union between two distinct races.
Today we can say multicultural.
Mexico, whose official name is the United Mexican States, has a great cultural, climatic, geographical, etc… richness and there are 32 federal states.
My state is called Baja California Sur and I think in general Southern Californians are quiet (sometimes even more), social, open to others, religious.
This land has been populated by people who emigrated from different parts of the country.
In fact, a part of my family came and stayed.
I was born in Puerto San Carlos (B.C.S.), receiving at the same time the cultural richness of my family and the place where I grew up.
My roots are there and when I discovered my vocation, I felt called to be a missionary, to walk from one place to another (as it was in my family) and so was the vocation by the grace of God.
I have been sent on foreign missions and have been more outside than in my country (E.U.A. Spain, Equatorial Guinea-Africa), as a Missionary Catechist of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary who share life and faith, even if it is much more that that I received, rather than what I shared.
Now, in this new experience, in this project in which I am participating, I continue to entrust it to God from whom all good comes, because it is He who calls us to collaborate, from whom gifts come to us like seeds to bear fruit (Jn 15:16 ).
And a fruit that is for his children, I think, the most disadvantaged because they are the ones who cry out to God the most.
I recognize and admire the good work that Spazio Spadoni does; the doors that he opens through the “Hic Sum” projects to make God’s Mercy present in the world, especially for those who suffer (the poor, the forgotten).
Thank you for being God’s collaborators (1 Cor 3, 9), for being bridges for inter-congregationality, for being Church through his work and his generosity. God bless you and please answer his call.
My experience with Rosolini’s Misericordia is so difficult to describe, especially when so many concrete faces come to me, but I can say that when I think of them my heart beats quickly and I physically feel something in my chest that wants to come out: my bowels move, my body speaks and it is difficult to put words to this.
There are so many experiences … I can only say from the inside THANK YOU! Thank you for so much shared life: they are truly a gift from God to me and also to all the people with whom they share and show mercy.
I wish heaven for you too: may God be your reward! Amen.
By sister Ines Carlone
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