Justice and Equity For The Poor
The work of spazio+spadoni through the eyes of Sister Christine
Justice and fairness are two words that have always been inseparable, and when we speak of justice we mean giving each person his or her due. This requires wisdom from Above so that we may be able to discern the difference between what is good and bad, just and unjust, as King Solomon prayed (1 Kings 2:10-12).
To achieve this virtual goal of justice and fairness, we must let go of our pride and be in the shoes of our brothers and sisters who are less privileged, showing them love, care, mercy and judging them fairly as we would like to be judged ourselves as well, in a fair, just way. It is hard to imagine that a poor person, a judge of himself, would be a good judge of others as well.
Justice and mercy to be all brothers and sisters
The internal attitude of justice corresponds to mercy and compassion as it prompts us to regard the poor in society with deep mercy, in the knowledge that all people are God’s people and we are one family sharing one Father. So we should be as brothers who love each other and are inclusive despite diversity and differences. This thought was deeply held by Bishop Thomas Labrecque, Founder of the Sisters of Our Lady of Good Counsel, a lover of justice and equity for the poorest of the poor.
He ventured into this so that the poor in outrageous situations could be uplifted and have at least elementary knowledge and decent human development.
The commitment of the founder of spazio+spadoni
This has a connection to the charism of Luigi Spadoni, founder of spazio+spadoni, an organization based in Lucca, Italy. With the zeal to activate 72 projects around the world with the main purpose of spreading and teaching the works of mercy to all those who identify with the poor in our communities, societies, elsewhere and are sensitive to their needs.
The organization spazio+spadoni today is three years old. It was founded on Sept. 11, 2020 to foster collaboration among people who carry the interests and spirit of volunteerism and social commitment of women’s religious congregations who have community social and humanitarian experience.
A common node that connects all projects of spazio+spadoni with a sense of mission in spreading works of mercy (go forth and spread the Gospel of Christ).

Spazio Spadoni provides all the necessary support in all the projects it has founded, allocating the necessary economic resources in supporting and spreading the works of mercy. It provides the sisters and others with the necessary training to be able to carry out the mission of Christ entrusted under their care.
The importance of spazio+spadoni conventions
Every year it holds a convention where more than 200 people gather in presence and online mode to discuss different issues that help in human growth and development. These conventions or forums, called “Making Space,” have changed the lives of many people.
To make this noble journey sustainable, spazio+spadoni supports existing missionary organizations engaged in works of mercy, promoting new initiatives and activities to nurture the rediscovery of volunteerism and support their interests in mission lands.
This is an invitation to everyone to wake up today, and go out into the world and spread mercy.
Yes, together we can: it just takes love, respect for the human dignity of every person, and the simplicity to always be aware of the poor in all situations.
God’s mercy is in action. Always!
Sister Christine Mweteise of the OLGC Sisters Uganda
- Sister Christine Mweteise
- spazio+spadoni
- spazio+spadoni