Luigi Spadoni Will Receive the Silver Palm in Acireale

Recognition for outstanding charitable activities

Splendid news, greeted by great applause, warmed the hearts of all the participants holding the meeting on the Works of Mercy in Lucca: Luigi Spadoni, Founder of Spazio Spadoni, will be awarded the Silver Palm – Iustus ut palma florebit – in Acireale.

The award, instituted in collaboration with the Diocese of Acireale, the Royal Deputation of the Chapel of Santa Venera, the Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato Etneo, and the City of Acireale, is presented each year to two personalities who have distinguished themselves for charitable activities. Yesterday, the volunteers awarded for the third edition were announced, and alongside Luigi Spadoni, the President of the Italian Red Cross, Rosario Valastro, will also be honoured.

“I am very excited and truly grateful to receive this award. I am so because I carry with me the people, so many, who at this moment receive it through my hands. Because I truly feel I am only the instrument of passage from you to all the women and men who for over two years have been animating the Works of Mercy with Spazio Spadoni in so many parts of the world. This award is a boost and a breath of fresh air to continue growing but, let me say, it is above all a gesture that brings Spazio Spadoni a new injection of responsibility. The thought then that I carry with me along with this award is the desire to have the right humility accompanied by the right tenacity to continue this journey. And let me emphasise, receiving it in this land, Sicily, for me and us multiplies the emotion, the gratitude, the joy. Because it is a land where Spazio Spadoni has the great fortune of feeling at home’ said Spadoni, who, we recall, was awarded honorary citizenship of Rosolini a few weeks ago.

Luigi Spadoni, a Brother of Mercy for over fifty years, will be honoured for his tireless commitment with Spazio Spadoni aimed at generating mission and mercy actions in the world through collaboration with women’s religious congregations and voluntary associations.

Spazio Spadoni is working to spread knowledge and practice of the Works of Mercy

The annual Convention will be organised on 15, 16, 17 September 2023, in Noto, which this year is entitled ‘Making Space for the Re-Evolution of the Works of Mercy‘ and others are in the pipeline by the end of the year in Burkina Faso, Benin, Democratic Republic of Congo and Kenya.

Spadoni will receive the Silver Palm during the award ceremony on 24 July from 9.30 pm in Piazza Duomo in Acireale. Bishop Antonio Raspanti of Acireale will present the award.


Spazio Spadoni

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