The Works of Mercy at the Center of the Forum Organized in Kenya by spazio + spadoni

From August 31 to September 1, 2024 in Kenya, the Forum on the reEvolution of the Works of Mercy was held at the Mariapolis Center of the Archdiocese of Nairobi

The Forum was attended by 130 people. Among them were 30 volunteers including 10 young people from OPERA M of Molo. The rest of the audience consisted of nuns from more than 20 congregations and a group of brothers from St. Camillus.

It all began with the opening Mass celebrated by Father Peter Maingi Muture, Judicial Vicar of the Archdiocese, on behalf of His Excellency Monsignor Filippo Anyolo, who was in Rome to meet the Holy Father. His Excellency sent us his greetings and a strong message that was printed and delivered to all participants and read by Father Peter Maingi during his homily.

The interventions

We had several speakers: the first theme was Fraternity and Social Friendship in light of the encyclical Fratelli Tutti presented by Fr. Pietro Maingi. In his theme, Fr. Peter reminded us that we are chosen to spread the works of Mercy. We must see Christ in the people we serve. He said OPERA M teaches everyone’s ability to do works of mercy because they belong to everyone and in everyone, he also states that no one is poor that he cannot do one of the 14 works of mercy.

The second theme was Works of Mercy in the Apostolic Letter “Misericordia et Misera” presented by Sister Teresia Kalunde, Camillian Sister, where she explained that “Misericordia et Misera” is inspired by the Gospel encounter between Jesus and the woman caught in adultery, a moment when divine mercy meets human frailty. He went on to explain our 14 works of mercy and concluded by reminding us that works of mercy are not something we do occasionally or only when it suits us, but must permeate every aspect of our existence.

Father Mukabana spoke about human trafficking

The third topic was on human trafficking, presented by Father Fredrick Mukabana. One can ask how the Works of Mercy can be linked to human trafficking.

Father Mukabana introduced his theme with the words of the Holy Father Pope Francis, “Mercy is the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters in the journey of life,‘’ and went on to explain that human trafficking puts the person affected through much suffering.

He invited us to look around, see what we can change and be compassionate to those who suffer. He concluded by saying that even God suffers when we look for a thousand excuses to justify our opaque and unsupportive actions, instead of putting our talents at God’s service.

There was a time of fellowship in which four congregations shared their meeting on their charism and works of mercy.


The theme Ubuntu through African culture was presented by Rodriguez the linker of spazio + spadoni in DRC Congo in Goma. He led us through the definition of Ubuntu and how in African culture works of mercy are present from the beginning, as shown in many African proverbs.

Next was an in-depth experience of working with drug addicts and alcoholics, where Brother Augustin Nlakubuss explained how the works of Mercy are practiced in rehabilitating those affected and restoring their human dignity.

We had a presentation on OPERA M and the HIC SUM project in which Sister Joan Langat and Sister Marie-Louise Kitegetse explained how they personally and at the congregational level live out the charism of spazio + spadoni.

The participants then divided into groups, each group was asked questions and came up with answers based on their own daily encounter with the works of mercy.

The forum concluded with Holy Mass celebrated by Judicial Vicar Fr. Pietro Maingi.

God’s mercy is in action. Always!

spazio + spadoni


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