The First Holy Communion and Spirit of Sharing
The last Sunday of the liturgical year, the Feast of Christ the King, at St. Mary Mother of God Church in Kagondo, was a double blessing as 35 children received their First Communion
The celebrating priest reminded Christians that Jesus is a king, but not like those who rule the world today. He is a servant leader who cares for his people.
He encouraged Christians to be servant leaders, each where God has placed us, whether at home or at work, in our daily lives.
The 35 children who have been preparing for this special day for the past two years were overjoyed to receive Holy Communion. You could see it in their faces and the effort they put into preparing the readings and prayers. What caught my attention was the spirit of sharing.
As the day approached, they came up with the idea to raise some money to buy a cake and celebrate together, because they knew that some would not be able to celebrate at home. We parents were asked to contribute so that after Mass we could rejoice together.
This caring for each other was seen during the offertory procession, where they shared with those who had nothing. At the end of Mass, I had the opportunity to talk to three children and asked what this day meant to them. Here are their answers.
It is a new beginning in which all the things I have done belong to the past, now I am a new person. Receiving Jesus is a wonderful thing and I will go for the Sacrament of Reconciliation every month.
It is a great day for me because I received my first Holy Communion (the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ). From now on I will try to be an obedient girl and be good.
I was eager to receive the Holy Eucharist which gave me the opportunity to be an altar boy and in the future I aspire to become a priest. Receiving Jesus in the Eucharist is a wonderful gift.
In the eyes of children, a simple act of sharing small things like a cake leaves a mark of union, fellowship and mercy.
- Jeannine Ngezahayo