“As if it were today” | Tales from Muhanga 3
From the diary of Father Giovanni Piumatti during his time in Muhanga (North Kivu). Reflections still relevant today
A speck of life on these 40 square meters, which are our backyard: movements and gestures that communicate serenity and light, and help you think.
You can see it, this courtyard, on google maps, appears as an orange speck in the midst of an immensity of green: 0° 25′ 02 South – 28° 54′ 40 East.
I was going to write “a few square meters stolen from the equatorial forest,” but I stand corrected: yes, a piece of land was taken from the forest, but sparingly and it is used respectfully, not stolen!
While Safi, our young mom, is working in the kitchen, her granddaughter Lucie is carrying her little cousin Sara, a 2-month-old baby girl, a pearl on her shoulders. Under the blue sunshade is Gisline, Antonella and Francy as well: they walk up and down the yard, strolling, humming a rhythm and dancing it majestically.
When Sara is hungry, Safi hears the call and without checking the clock, she sucks on it a bit, contemplates it and then puts it back on the…stroller.
I give myself as much time as I want, to contemplate.
We can well say it, two worlds! It happens everywhere and it happens normally that a woman and a man come out of their nest at a certain time in their lives, and insert into the country, or village, the natural fruit of their love, a child, and introduce it into society.
A vital and worldwide problem for which man, as always, seeks answers and solutions; and in Africa it is still the common man
who does this, without waiting for the government to make you the law and deprive you of your creativity.
In the small world: stroller, babysitter, daycare, oxygenated public gardens, gymnastics, swimming pool, pediatrician, child psychologist, specialized books…; a lot of people, a lot of study, means, time… and money.
In the big world: Lucie, Gisline, Antonella and Francy: 6, 3, 5 and 2 years old, they found the solution. Different answers depending on location.
Here: with so much poverty but with so much freedom they create tools and keep walking, choosing what seems wise and useful, following the examples of those who have gone before and following nature.
There, perhaps,…also.
The result, the fruits? certainly…different.
Source and image
G. Piumatti, Muhanga. Parole e storie d’Africa, pp. 392