Saint Of The Day Of June 15th 2023: Saint Bernard Of Mentone (Or Of Aosta)

Once believed to be from Menton on Lake Annecy in Haute-Savoie, Bernard must actually have been a native of Aosta where he was canon and archdeacon of the cathedral

This historical uncertainty about his birth has led to a double appellation, and you can find San Bernard sometimes defined as “from Mentone” and sometimes “from Aosta”

Originally from a high nobility family related to the Burgundian queen Ermengarde, he was archdeacon of the chapter of Aosta.

Witness of the dangers that awaited the hills of the Alps, around 1050 he had the hospices built on the Gran San Bernardo, a hill that connects the Aosta Valley to the Valais, and the Piccolo San Bernardo, a pass that connected Aosta to Tarantasia.

The structures and the religious who occupied them met the needs of travelers and pilgrims crossing the Alps.

Bernard actively preached in Aosta and in the diocese of Novara

In Pavia, in April 1081, he met the emperor Henry IV at war against Pope Gregory VII, whom Bernardo supported in his fight.

In 1123 he was entered in the catalog of saints, in 1149 he was mentioned for the first time as patron saint of the hospice church.

Since 1681 he has been listed in the Roman martyrology and since 1923 he has been the patron saint of the Alps and of mountaineers.

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