My HIC SUM in Assisi As Ambassador of the Works of Mercy
Two months spent in Torchiagina Parish, welcomed by the Capuchin Sisters of the Immaculate of Lourdes
I began my experience at Torchiagina Parish on July 10, 2024. Actually, my journey as an Ambassador of the Works of Mercy, started a few days earlier, in Rome, during the training organized by spazio + spadoni. Intense days those spent in Rome together with about 30 people between consecrated and lay people.
On July 10 afternoon, it was a Wednesday, I left by train to Assisi. On my arrival I was greeted by the parish priest, Fr. Maurizio and the Superior of the Community of the Capuchin Sisters of the Immaculate of Lourdes, who would host me for the following weeks.
In the following Saturday and Sunday celebrations, I was introduced by the pastor to the community who, on this occasion, explained to the faithful the spazio + spadoni project and its mission.
The experience of these two months has been an immense richness, for me, for my future, for my community and my congregation, and for the whole Church.
I would like to present my thanks to Luigi Spadoni founder of spazio + spadoni, secretary Selene Pera and all those who work to make these projects possible. It has been a great opportunity for me these past two months.
I would also like to thank Fr. Maurizio, the parish priest of Torchiagina who gave his willingness to take me in right away. I would also like to say my thanks to the community of the Capuchin Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Lourdes in particular to Rev. Sr. Enza, the superior of that community because they helped me day and night so that I could learn as much as possible and took care of me with motherly love. May God reward you now and always!
What services and formation did you do while I was in Torchiagina?
Liturgical Service
I gained experience in liturgical service, helping out with the sacristy. This allowed me to experience different moments of the Christian life of the community in such an impressive place.
Community Life
I was integrated into the community life of the sisters who welcomed me. I shared apostolic life with them; we went together to visit the sick by taking communion to them. It was a living the works of mercy consciously through service to frail people. Together we visited families who had lost their children and prayed for the living and the dead.
The Capuchin Sisters of the Immaculate of Lourdes live Franciscan spirituality and helped me to know it through their way of being in the midst of the world.
They made me to visit so many Franciscan places, the Basilicas of Assisi, the Basilica of St. Clare where the Saint died, the Chapel of San Damiano where St. Francis was sent by God to repair and rebuild His house. All this has been like living water that has watered my soul and my whole life.
The nuns taught me so much, but of special way I took the class with Sister Germana, age 93 to learn how to sew. Her teachings will be useful to me in my daily life and in the service for the liturgy of the Holy Mass.
I learned about a new sewing technique called “Assisi Stitch,” again with the help of Fr. Maurizio who sought out two ladies, Mara and Antonia, experts in this particular technique who patiently and courageously passed on to me the basic knowledge for this way of sewing.
Ambassadors of the Works of Mercy
I shared the vision and mission of spazio + spadoni with the community, particularly with a group of mothers. It was new to them, but I tried to make them understand that each of us is invited to live and promote God’s mercy through the Works of Mercy. I wrote and handed them the list of the 14 works so that even the small acts can be lived with awareness.
Assisi’s Misericordia
I met the group of volunteers from the Misericordia of Assisi and learned first aid techniques with them.
This time was favorable to welcome what I needed as a Christian and as a religious. For this, once again I thank each and every one of you. May God bless you always.
Suor Florentine Ahobantegeye – Sisters of Notre Dame Bon Conseil, Ruanda