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Johnny Dotti and Mario Aldegani: Joseph is us

Joseph We Are: Discovering the Father of Jesus – A Renewed Vision of Humanity and Spirituality for Our Time

giuseppe siamo noi

Four years after the first successful edition of this book, on the occasion of the year that Pope Francis wanted to dedicate to St. Joseph, Johnny Dotti and Mario Aldegani put their hands to work again to make the fi gure of Jesus’ father even more relevant and present in our history of women and men on the road. The result is an image of man and father that is perfect to accompany each of us, inviting us to imitate the existence of a man who, on the surface, was an ordinary man, but who knew how to embody the nobility of lineage and spirit to which his spiritual adventure invited him. Joseph is us, reads the title of the volume, as if by an invitation, in full awareness, to rediscover our role within the human story that continually awaits and surprises us. The completely revamped book also offers rich suggestions from Pope Francis’ apostolic letter Patris Corde.


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