India, a nun’s pen to defend humiliated and abused women

Pauline Lissy Maruthanakuzhy who advocates women’s empowerment and social advancement through writing

Sister Lissy Maruthanakuzhy, a member of the Daughters of St. Paul, has devoted her life to spreading the Gospel, with a particular focus on the situation of women in India.

Through her engagement with mass media, she has raised awareness of the emancipation of women, often victims of violence and discrimination. Her writing serves as a tool to defend those living under the oppression of fathers and husbands.

Her mission is part of the works of mercy, with a strong call to divine mercy and the love of Christ. Sister Lissy sees the Jubilee as an opportunity to spread the message of hope and justice even further.

Her testimony is an example of how faith can translate into concrete actions for the good of the community, carrying forward a message of love and respect for women’s rights.

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