Called to live my missionary life… even in illness
We repost the testimony of a consecrated laywoman who “offers her sufferings” for the spread of God’s kingdom
By Ada Storella
I am Ada Storella, from the diocese of Ugento – Santa Maria di Leuca. I live in Castrignano del Capo (Lecce) and have long been in charge of the Youth Missionary Movement both at the diocesan and regional level. I had polio as a child, but this did not stop me from moving around and living both adolescence and youth to the fullest. I also had all the support from my family who did not limit me in anything.
As I grew up, I became more and more aware
that life is a gift and that it needs to be shared with everyone; therefore, I discovered the missionary aspect.
I felt that God was calling me to live my missionary life while remaining in the world,
and I got to know the Secular Institute of the Oblate Missionary Cooperators of the Immaculate (COMI),
which I joined and have been a member of since 1981, when I made my first vows.
I also had the joy of a brief missionary experience in Uruguay and was for many years bursar general of my Institute. But the Lord had something else in store for me….
After speaking so much, after trying to be missionary in the various spheres of life, in work (for more than 20 years I taught mathematics in middle schools)… I received an additional gift that was added to my previous illness: Parkinson’s!
Now, the Lord is asking me to speak little and listen more.
Therefore, I find myself living my missionary work in my bed, in my wheelchair, in my home, etc.
I am trying to offer my sufferings every day for the spread of God’s kingdom. All this makes me a missionary in a different way than I was before. I pray and thank the Lord for this additional gift that He has given me and that still makes me a missionary in my daily relationship with those who come to see me and wait for a word of hope from me!
So, in conclusion, I can say that in life what matters is not only “giving” but above all “giving oneself.”