Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters of Morogoro
History of the Congregation
My Congregation name is Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters of Morogoro founded in 1937 by the late Reverend Bishop Bernard Hilhost Missionary of the Holy Ghost Father’s. He received this gift to share with others in the life of the Church. Our founder was a man of deep Spirituality who interiorised the gift of the Charism. Throughout his life he encountered many setbacks, yet with a spirit of incredible patience and trust in Divine Providence he surmounted difficult moments.
Bishop Bernad had experienced the impact of the Gospel and he lived it within the life of the Church. Usually God gives this gift of the Charism to same people to assist his Church in particular moment of its history. He chooses a person fit and capable for such mission and gives them a special grace both for their own personal growth and for the followers. So, there is a great similarity.
Why he founded the Congregation? He wants to bring Christ to those who don’t know about God
He wanted to spread the Christian faith to all people of God, and the sisters w0uld be agents of the Christian faith by witnessing Christ through their lives. He was aware of people who could neither read nor write. He built many schools that himself used to visit and at the same time to help the teacher to teach. He also built many Churches he converted dozens of the people and missionary work went forward in full speed.
His interest is to found a Congregation of the indigenous Sisters who will take care the Orphans and the aged people. And help the Priest to teach religion. In different schools and parishes. As a Congregation we are working in different parishes, hospitals as nurses and any work we are able to do it.
He was born in 1895 at Amsterdam holland and was ordered priest in 27 September 1922, and ordained Bishop of Morogoro in 25 April 1934.
He dead on 10th August in 1954. So each year we have to remember our founder like that before the day of death we have a Novena this a prayer we pray for nine days at the last we finish with a high mass after mass all the sisters gathered near his tomb and recite special prayer which is “Ewe Mungu uliyemwinua mtumishi wako Bernard, awe Askofu kati ya kundi la Makasisi walioungana na Mitumetwaomba kwa hisani yako usikose kumweka salama mahali Mitume walipo katika uzima wa Milele kwa ajili ya Yesu Kristu Bwana wetu Amina”, which in English means “O God who raised your servant Bernard, to be a Bishop among the group of Priests who joined the Apostles. I beg you for your mercy, do not fail to keep him safe where the Apostles are in eternal life for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord Amen”.
Sister Filipina I. K. Kibua
Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters of Morogoro
- Sister Filipina I. K. Kibua