Bururi: Professions and Silver Jubilee in the Institute of the Disciples of Christ Family
On Saturday, July 27, 2024, the first professions of seven novices, the perpetual vows of four sisters and the silver jubilee of four sisters, all from the “Family of Disciples of Christ (FDC)” Institute, took place at the Mary Queen Cathedral in Bururi
The Mass was presided over by His Excellency Monsignor Salvator Niciteretse, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Bururi, at 10:00 am.
A few minutes before the time of the Mass, all the sisters of the Institute “Family of Disciples of Christ,” choristers and priests had already lined up not far from the Mary Queen Cathedral of Bururi to start the procession.
Surrounding the bishop were priests including Abbot Fulgence Nshimirimana who is the General Chaplain of the Institute “Family of the Disciples of Christ,” Abbot Gahwanya Claver, Novitiate Chaplain of Kiryama, Abbot Karerwa Prosper, Postulancy Chaplain, Msgr. Léonidas Ntakarutimana who was Vicar General of the Diocese of Rutana, Msgr. Léonidas Nitereka, Vicar General of the Diocese of Bururi. The Superior General of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary “Bene Mariya” was also present. The Christians of Bururi parish responded massively to support this congregation.
Extreme joy flooded the eyes of seven novice candidates for temporal vows. They were novice Brigitte Niyomfise of Bururi Parish, Bururi Diocese, novice Donavine Nimbona of Nyentakara Parish in Rutana Diocese, novice Emelyne Kanteyineza of Rutana Parish and Diocese, novice Evelyne Niyuhire of Kiryama Parish, Bururi Diocese, novice Félicité Nizonkiza of Martyazo Parish , Bururi Diocese, novice Marcienne Niyonkuru of Murayi Parish, Gitega Archdiocese, and novice Radegonde Nishimwe of Makamba Parish in Bururi Diocese.
And for perpetual vows, four sisters were present. They are Sister Christine Nirera of Kibezi Parish, Sister Fabiola Nsengiyumva of Bururi Parish, Sister Félicité Niyonkuru of Kaganza Parish and Suzanne Bayivugire of Kanyinya Parish, all from the Diocese of Bururi.
Those who celebrated 25 years of faithfulness in consecrated life are: Agnès Niyonkuru, Rumeza Parish in the Diocese of Bururi; Sister Consolata Nijimbere Butwe Parish, Diocese of Bururi; Sister Dominique Habimana, Makamba Parish, Diocese of Bururi; and Sister Joselyne Mbonimpa, Rutana Parish, Diocese of Rutana.
“Abide in my love”
Bishop Salvator Niciteretse focused his homily on the theme of Love and total gift to God, which characterized Jesus in the fulfillment of his mission.
He showed the foundation and nature of consecrated life. For him, consecrated life finds its foundation in the sacrament of baptism. And in baptism we become Children of God and of the Church. He also emphasized the significance of consecrated life. “To dedicate oneself to Jesus is to belong totally to Him, to love Him with undivided love. May Jesus Christ be your model for living well the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience,” he stressed. “Jesus does not tell us to remain attached to our parents, our brothers, our sisters, our cousins, our uncles and our friends. He invites us to remain in his love,” he continued.
As the Father has loved me, I also have loved you. Abide in my love (Jn 15:9). Bishop Salvator Niciteretse urged those about to take first vows and those in perpetual vows to love and dedicate themselves first to the service of the sisters in their community.
“Do not be in a hurry to consecrate yourselves in foreign countries such as Germany, Italy or various parishes, dedicate yourselves first to the service of your sisters with whom you share the same community,” Bishop Salvator Niciteretse insisted.
He continued his homily by showing some obstacles that undermine consecrated life. With time, there can be are crises that may arise in our body, various changes in this world, etc.
He concluded by providing defense responses against the challenges of consecrated life: daily reading and meditation on the Word of God, recourse to the sacraments, Marian devotion, and works of mercy.
The celebration with the families
After the day’s homily, it was time to welcome the first vows of the seven novices, the perpetual vows of four sisters, and the prayer of thanksgiving of the sisters who celebrated 25 years.
Around 1 p.m., after Mass, guests headed to the “St. Paul’s” hall to continue savoring the joy of the day. Among the day’s guests were the families of the professed and jubilarian sisters, dignitaries from the administration, representatives of the Anglican Church of Bururi, and others.
During the reception, numerous speeches of thanks were given by the parents on the one hand and the professed and jubilarians on the other. To enliven the celebration, novices from the Institute of the Disciples of Christ Family entertained the guests with traditional dances and songs. The girls from Monseigneur Bernard Bududira School took the initiative to welcome the guests with a traditional dance, which was very pleasant to see. The joy of the day flooded the eyes and hearts of all present.
Sister Gaudence Nininahazwe