“As if it were today” | Tales from Muhanga 4
From the diary of Father Giovanni Piumatti during his time in Muhanga (North Kivu). Reflections still relevant today
This diary page was written by Father John in 2012. Thirteen years have passed, but things have not changed much.
However, we repropose it not only because the rubric provides for it, but also to “refresh the memory” and to reiterate, precisely on the Day dedicated to it, that there are so many forgotten conflicts.
At the same time, together with the missionary, we want to remind that there are so many people of good will who, every day, for years, have been striving for a better world and to shed light in the darkness and silence
Muhanga and Bunyatenge are located north of Goma, thus in the risk zone.
The big bodies, UNICEF, OCHA, UNHCR, ICRC, cannot come all the way here, because it is too dangerous!
They cannot bring a blanket to these people of ours who, in their various escapes, have lost more than one blanket.
They cannot bring (they say) even a bag of beans to these families, who are being robbed every day.
But, meanwhile, Africans pay too dearly for Western welfare: cell phones and computers made with our coltan; gold, of diamonds, precious wood; they pay for the pineapples, bananas that fill supermarket shelves.
On this fertile land, in whose fields everyone takes and eats: the Mai-Mai rebels, the Rwandan FDLR; and even government FARDC soldiers, thrown in here without even a change of pants.
Still, Umberto and Patrizia have arrived from Nichelino, and have been here for three weeks with their children Miryam and Samuel.
With them and 12 other friends we crossed Uganda and the Kasindi border, covering almost 200 km of bad roads, “caravan of peace.”
Margherita from Modica staying two months and Virginia from Rossano.
Enrica, over 70, with Lucia and Stefano, from Massa and Carrara.
Eleonora, Alberto, Ilario from the valley of Perosa.
Angela from Pavia and Andrea from Turin who want to stay a year.
And also journalists: Daniele, from the Eco del Chisone and Michela!
If all these lives, and all these wars, the big NewYorkTimes don’t want to talk about them, let’s talk about them
at least us, smaller ones! And who knows, maybe one day the parish bulletins will start talking about it too!
(Father Piumatti, August 7, 2012)
Source and image
G. Piumatti, Muhanga. Parole e storie d’Africa, pp. 224-225