“As if it were today” | Tales from Muhanga 1
From the diary of Father Giovanni Piumatti during his time in Muhanga (North Kivu). Reflections still relevant today
Excuse us.
I think that is the first word I have to say. Leaving too much silence is a fault !
Especially when we choose to be the voice of the voiceless; in this case Africa.
Especially when there are already too many who are silent when they should be speaking.
Especially when the few words we say manipulate them to us–make them ambiguous.
For example, I tell them about what life is like in the Congo, or you tell them about the Africa you’ve seen here, and they all get all judgmental about refugees fleeing war, “…35 euros a day! … they always have their cell phones in their hands! …they steal our jobs!”
Sorry, but what does that have to do with Sister Africa; that sister we want to introduce to you, just because you are completely ignoring her? What do those phrases have to do with the chaos we have here, with the people of Muhanga, with the suffering of Kivu, What does it have to do with the barges???
Can’t people even read reality anymore? We read the newspapers as if they were the Bible. We watch the news-TV (those crumbs that pass by) like children watch cartoons.
I do not say this to justify my silence. In fact it also aggravates my-our silence.
Source and image
G. Piumatti, Muhanga. Parole e storie d’Africa, pp. 432-433.