After Benin and Burkina Faso, the Forum on the ReEvolution of Works of Mercy comes to Bafia, Cameroon

The Importance of Forums in Africa: spazio + spadoni took up Gandhi’s invitation

This quote from Mahatma Gandhi, “He who decides for me without me is against me,” seems adapted to the African spirit. This is because active community involvement is crucial for sustainable development and equitable social justice. What Gandhi meant is that we need to meaningfully involve people in the decision-making processes that affect their lives; that is why spazio + spadoni, which aims to foster the practice of mercy and mission actions, is in tune with the Indian Mahatma’s thinking.

Making Forums in Africa means creating a space where everyone’s voice can be heard and valuing the diversity of local communities. Gandhi’s Appeal engages people in making decisions that are meaningful to their lives.

Making Forums has a significant and lasting impact on affected communities. As mentioned, it promotes transparency, accountability, and equitable justice and fosters people’s sense of responsibility and the success of initiatives created for people.

The experience of the Cotonou and Bobo Forums highlighted how great participation can transform a community, as it created a positive tension and enabled a creative space to launch the reEvolution of works of mercy.


The Diocese of Bafia and H.E.R Bishop Emmanuel Diassi Youfang took up the invitation of the space + swords movement to concretize Gandhi’s thought and ensure that no one acts for others without their consent and that every voice is heard and appreciated.

More than 300 religious of the diocese have already joined by registering to be ready on June 28 and 29 at the Bafia Cathedral where the work will be held. Many faithful and delegations from other national dioceses and neighboring African countries are expected to attend.

It will be possible to follow the Forum online through the Zoom platform by connecting to the following link

The Forum will begin on Friday, June 28, at 9:30 a.m. At 1 p.m. it will close the morning session. Work will continue in the afternoon from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. On Saturday, June 29, meetings will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. All times indicated refer to Cameroon local time.




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