Twentyone New Cardinals Appointed
Pope Francis appoints 21 new Cardinals
On December 7, 2024, an Ordinary Public Consistory was held in St. Peter’s Basilica, presided over by Pope Francis, during which 21 new cardinals were created.
This event marked a significant occasion in the Catholic Church, as it emphasized the universality and diversity of the Church through the selection of cardinals from various backgrounds and cultures around the globe.
Here is the list of the newly appointed cardinals who received the imposition of the biretta, the consignment of the ring and the assignation of a titular church in Rome, symbolizing their connection to the Diocese of Rome and their role in the Church’s pastoral mission: Angelo Acerbi, titular archbishop of Zella, apostolic nuncio; Carlos Gustavo Castillo Mattasoglio, archbishop of Lima, Peru; Vicente Bokalic Iglic, C.M., archbishop of Santiago del Estero, Argentina; Luis Gerardo Cabrera Herrera, O.F.M., archbishop of Guayaquil, Ecuador; Fernando Natalio Chomalí Garib, archbishop of Santiago de Chile, Chile; Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi, S.V.D., archbishop of Tōkyō, Japan; Pablo Virgilio Siongco David, bishop of Kalookan, Philippines; Ladislav Nemet, S.V.D., archbishop of Belgrade, Serbia; Jaime Spengler, O.F.M., archbishop of Porto Alegre, Brazil; Ignace Bessi Dogbo, archbishop of Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Jean-Paul Vesco, O.P., archbishop of Alger, Algeria; Dominique Joseph Mathieu, O.F.M. Conv., archbishop of Tehran-Ispahan of the Latins, Iran; Roberto Repole, archbishop of Torino and bishop of Susa, Italy; Baldassare Reina, titular archbishop of Aquae in Mauretania, vicar general of His Holiness for the Diocese of Rome, archpriest of the Papal Basilica of Saint John Lateran; Frank Leo, archbishop of Toronto, Canada; Rolandas Makrickas, titular archbishop of Tolentino, coadjutor archpriest of the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major; Mykola Bychok, C.Ss.R., bishop of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne of the Ukrainians, Australia; Timothy Peter Joseph Radcliffe, O.P., theologian; Fabio Baggio, C.S., titular archbishop-elect of Urusi, under-Secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development; George Jacob Koovakad, titular archbishop of Nisibis dei Caldei, coordinator of Apostolic Journeys; Domenico Battaglia, archbishop of Naples, Italy.
Notably, ten of the new cardinals belong to religious orders, highlighting a growing representation from consecrated life within the College of Cardinals.
In his homily, Pope Francis urged the new cardinals to embody humility, unity, and fraternity, warning them against the “seduction of power” and encouraging them to be builders of communion within the Church. He emphasized that their mission should reflect Jesus’ path, which is not one of worldly glory but of service to God and others.
With this consistory, the total number of cardinal electors has reached 140, with 110 under 80, thus eligible to vote in a conclave This composition is crucial for future papal conclaves, as it reflects a significant influence on potential future elections.
- Photo by gpo1961 on FlickSource