The Word every day: 25-31 August, 2024
Commentary on the Readings of the Day by Father Giordano Favillini
Sunday, 25/08
Jn 6:63
Jesus said, “It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. But there are some among you who do not believe.” Who are those who do not believe are those who live in materiality and have closed the horizon of spiritual life and passively conform to worldly fashions and mentalities believing that everything is fulfilled in earthly life.
Monday, 26/08
Matthew 23:13
Jesus said, “Woe to you ,hypocritical scribes and Pharisees, who close the kingdom of heaven before people; in fact you do not enter, and you do not let in even those who want to enter.” We need to be careful when talking about the Church, too critical words, harsh and merciless judgments about people or church movements can drive away so many who are searching for God in these times.
Tuesday, 27/08
Matthew 23:25-26
Jesus said, “Woe to you ,scribes and Pharisees hypocrites, who clean the outside of the glass and the plate, but inside are full of greed and intemperance. Clean first the inside of the glass, that the outside may also become clean.” Christian life comes from within the person, we must keep the heart free from attachment to sin and selfishness so that actions and words will also flow from a clean heart inhabited by the presence of the Holy Spirit
Wednesday, 28/08
Matthew 23:27
Jesus said, “Woe to you hypocritical scribes and Pharisees, who resemble whitened sepulchers: on the outside they appear beautiful ,but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and every rot.” True beauty is that of the soul , a soul in God’s grace reflects on its face the light ,peace, meekness that flows from the interiority inhabited by the divine presence.
Thursday, 29/08
Mark 6:22 and 25
The daughter of Herodias herself, danced and pleased Herod and the diners. Then the king said to the maiden, “Ask me what you want, and I will give it to you.” “I want you to give me the head of John the Baptist.” The perverts and idolaters of their own power cannot stand the truth and righteousness you are righteous, so they become ruthless persecutors with discredit and falsehoods to the detriment of God’s true witnesses and righteous workers.
Friday, 30/08
Matthew 25:13
Jesus said, “Watch therefore , for you know neither the day nor the hour.” Watching means using the discernment that comes from the wisdom of Faith and judging all messages, communications, and filtering well the ideas that do not conform to God’s word.
Saturday, 31/08
Matthew 25:29
“For to everyone who has, it will be given, and he will be in abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away”. In this case it is not about material possessions or worldly success but about virtue and love lived. He who has accumulated in his earthly life only riches will lose everything but he who has believed and loved everything will be multiplied to him.