The Word every day: 24-30 November, 2024
Commentary on the Readings of the Day by Father Giordano Favillini
Sunday 24/11
John 18:37
Jesus answered: ‘You say, I am king, for this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to bear witness to the truth’. We need someone to tell us why we are in this world, where we are going, what the meaning of existence is. This is Jesus, the only one who can give a certain answer.
Monday 25/11
Luke 21:4
The rich threw away part of their surplus as an offering. The widow, in her misery, threw everything she had to live on. True generosity is sharing what we have and not giving what we have left over or what we no longer need.
Tuesday 26/11
Luke 21:9
When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be terrified, for first these things must happen, but it is not immediately the end. In the face of historical upheavals the Christian maintains his serenity and confidence because he knows that everything is under the authority of Jesus.
Wednesday 27/11
Luke 15 and 19
I will give you speech and wisdom, so that all your adversaries will not be able to resist or oppose you. By your perseverance you will save your life. If we have chosen to live according to the Gospel, we must never be discouraged in the face of any difficulty or obstacle. Let us go forward with confidence, trusting in the continuous inspirations that the Lord gives us.
Thursday 28/11
Luke 21:25
Jesus said: ‘There will be signs in the sun in the moon and in the stars, and on earth anguish of peoples anxious because of the roaring of the sea of billows. All the calamities that occur on earth reveal to us the impermanence and instability of this world. Everything is moving towards a new universal system in which Jesus will provide ultimate stability and peace.
Friday 29/11
Luke 21:33
Jesus said: ‘Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away’. In historical reality all ideologies, all philosophies, kingdoms, regimes, everything passes away. Everything is relative. The word of God remains and gives steadfastness to those who feed on it.
Saturday 30/11
Matthew 4: 18B-20
When Jesus saw two brothers Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother, he said to them, ‘Come after me, I will make you fishers of men. And they immediately left their nets and followed him. In all the confusion we find ourselves in today, the only good thing we can do is to follow Jesus. With all our miseries let us follow him with perseverance. He is the only way.