The Word every day: 23 February-1 March, 2025
Commentary on the Readings of the Day by Father Giordano Favillini
Sunday 23/02
Luke 6:37
Jesus said: ‘Do not judge and you will not be judged, do not condemn and you will not be condemned, forgive and you will be forgiven. We must never put ourselves above our neighbour, but alongside them, so we will truly know who is walking with us and with what difficulties.
Monday 24/02
Mark 9:23
Jesus said: ‘If you can, everything is possible for those who believe’. Faith does not make man powerful, but confident prayer that unites us with God can keep us all things.
Tuesday 25/02
Mark 9:35
Jesus said to them, ‘If anyone wants to be first, let him be last of all the servant of all’.
The nobility and greatness of a person consists above all in his ability to serve with simplicity and great discretion without ostentation.
Wednesday 26/02
Mark 9:40
Jesus said: ‘He who is not against us is for us’. In the Christian view of existence there can be no narrow demarcations. All those who do good and promote love also belong to Christ.
Thursday 27/02
Mark 9:43
If your hand is a cause for scandal cut it off. It is better for you to enter life with one hand than to go into Gehenna with two hands. While there is still time let us cut off the evil that may be in us. Let us be objective and sincere in reviewing our behaviour often.
Friday 28/02
Mark 10: 6-7
God created them male and female; therefore the man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. How necessary it is to break the umbilical cord if we are to become free and fruitful human beings.
This breaking must be done in the mind, taking ownership of one’s identity and realising one’s vocation.
Saturday 1/03
Mark 10:14
Jesus said: ‘Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; to such as are like them belongs the kingdom of God’. What enables us to welcome God is openness and enthusiasm, the joyful simplicity of those who have no prejudices or pretensions but place themselves before God with extreme confidence.