The Word every day: 22-28 September, 2024

Commentary on the Readings of the Day by Father Giordano Favillini

Sunday 22/09

Mark 9:35

Jesus called the twelve and said to them: ‘If anyone wants to be first, let him be last of all and servant of all’. Christianity is in total contrast to the dominant culture. It invites us not to make use of people and means for our own personal affirmation, but on the contrary to put what we are, what we do, at the disposal of the common good, thus becoming first, that is, a reference for others.

Monday 23/09

Luke 8:18

Therefore be careful how you listen, for to the one who has will be given but from the one who has not will be taken away even what he thinks he has. To be careful in listening means not to tame the word of God according to one’s own opinion or convenience, but to accept it as it is given to us.

Tuesday 24/09

Luke 8:21

Jesus answered them: ‘My mother and my brothers are these, those who hear the word of God and put it into practice’. We become brothers of Jesus when, like Him, we listen to the Father who speaks to us in the word, and we become mothers when we generate it in others through example and dialogue.

Wednesday 25/09

Luke 9:6

Then they went out and went from village to village, everywhere proclaiming the good news and working healings. Healings and miracles always come from the Lord and the purpose is to bring about faith. It is true healing because it opens us up to the knowledge of the truth and gives us a glimpse of eternal life.

Thursday 26/09

Luke 9:9

Herod said, ‘John I have had beheaded; who then is he of whom I hear such things?’ Those who hold power and are blinded by their pride are suspicious of everything and everyone who might in some way overtake or cloud their leadership, so they become fearful tyrants.

Friday 27/09

Luke 9:21

Jesus said: ‘The son of man must suffer greatly, be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the scribes, be killed and rise again on the third day. The sufferings and misunderstandings experienced because of Jesus are signs that we are on the right path. They are confirmations that we are walking well and that the Lord is with us. The evil one and those who belong to him cannot stand those who love Jesus.

Saturday 28/09

Luke 9:43

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Put these words firmly in your minds: The son of man is about to be delivered into the hands of men. Being a Christian is a wonderful adventure. Trials, sufferings, falls free us from the illusion of feeling better than others, they reduce selfishness, that is why they are necessary.

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