The Word every day: 21-27 July, 2024

Commentary on the Readings of the Day by Father Giordano Favillini

Sunday, 21/07

Mark 6:31

Jesus said to them, “Come aside, you alone. To a deserted place and rest a while.”
For there were many who came and went and had no time to eat. Jesus and his own were moved by such a great love that they did not spare their passion for their suffering neighbors and in need led them to give everything, but Jesus, knowing our frailty, invites a needed rest to give even better and more.

Monday, 22/07

Matthew 12:39-40

Jesus said, “An evil and adulterous generation demands a sign, but no sign will be given them except the sign of Jonah the prophet.”
The sign of Jonah is unconditional mercy for all and the revelation of God’s compassion for every creature. Even the most despicable and the most abject.

Tuesday, 23/07

Matthew 12:50

Jesus, responding to those who spoke to him, said, “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven, he is brother and sister and mother to me.” Jesus’ desire is to bring everyone into that relationship of spiritual kinship, of familiarity, as it binds him to Mary and his apostles. He is much closer to us than we are to ourselves. He invites us to recognize God as Father and to do his will. This is the gateway.

Wednesday, 24/07

Matthew 13:1-2

On that day Jesus went out of the house and sat on the seashore. So large a crowd gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat down while the crowd stood on the beach. True love is the magnet that attracts people; it is not the scholarly words that fascinate, but that charge of healthy emotionality that becomes an irresistible attraction because it awakens the enthusiasm of love and faith.

Thursday, 25/07

Matthew 20:28

Like the son of man who came not to be served but to serve and give his own life, the redemption of many. How consoling and encouraging it is when one knows people who take a gratuitous interest in others who put themselves at their service. The places where they live are colored with hope and optimism. But it is Jesus who gives the input, the motivation to do all this.

Friday, 26/07

Matthew 13:19

Whenever one hears the word of the Kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and steals what has been sown in his heart. The word of the gospel is the truest teaching for everyone. We should give much time to understand its message well.
How much time is wasted listening to or reading superficial and worthless things?
Let us study the word and it will keep us.

Saturday, 27/07

Matthew 13:24-26

The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was asleep, his enemy came, sowed weeds in the midst of the wheat, and went away. There is always the tiller, the one who is divisive. However, we must learn to always see the positive that is there in all situations in life, so we don’t give him room and the good grows despite the work of the divider.

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