The Word every day: 20-26 October, 2024

Commentary on the Readings of the Day by Father Giordano Favillini

Sunday 20/10

Mark 10:45

For even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. The highest and most sublime way of living existence is to give oneself generously for the Lord and to exercise charity towards others. In this Jesus is the greatest example.

Monday 21/10

Luke 12:15

Jesus said, ‘Take heed and keep yourselves from all covetousness, for though one may be in abundance, his life does not depend on what he possesses. Every morbid attachment to things, money, people distorts and annihilates the nature of people created to live in freedom as children of God.

Tuesday 22/10

Luke 12:35

At that time Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Be ready with your garments fastened to your hips and your lamps burning. To exist is to walk, to walk always, even in dark times, because faith lights the way. The goal is the encounter with Jesus who awaits us beyond time and history.

Wednesday 23/10

Luke 12:40

Jesus said: ‘You also be ready, for in the hour you do not imagine the Son of Man is coming. We walk towards the Lord and the Lord walks towards us. The encounter, which will be wonderful, will take place at the moment we leave this world.

Thursday 24/10

Luke 12:49

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I have come to cast fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled’. Mediocrity, flatness, lukewarmness are irreconcilable with the Christian spiritual life, which is animated by an inner dynamism that always leads one to live one’s existence with charity and great responsibility.

Friday 25/10

Luke 12:56-57

Jesus said: ‘You know how to evaluate the appearance of the earth and the heavens; how is it that you do not know how to evaluate this time, and why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?’ This is the time when the media feeds us so much information that does not make us walk on the right path. Lies that poison our existence, ideas that blind our minds. Let us use the discernment that comes from faith. We evaluate everything, we are discreet in believing everything.

Saturday 26/10

Luke 13:4-5

The Lord said: ‘Those 18 people on whom the tower of Siloe collapsed and killed them, do you think they were more guilty than all the inhabitants of Jerusalem? No, I say to you, but if you do not convert you will all perish in the same way’. Misfortunes and illnesses are never punishments from God, they can become opportunities to open our eyes and make us aware of the true meaning of existence and put us in the dimension of giving the right value to things and events.

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