The Word every day: 2-8 February, 2025
Commentary on the Readings of the Day by Father Giordano Favillini
Sunday 2/02
Luke 4:30
But he Jesus, passing through their midst, set out. Faith is a dynamic force that enables us to always go forward, even in the midst of misunderstandings, difficulties, defeats, with regenerating confidence.
Monday 3/02
Mark 5: 2-3
There came to him a man possessed by an unclean spirit. He was dwelling among the graves. The enemy of humanity cannot possess us, but if we practise the occult in all its practices, they become the tomb in which personal freedom is buried.
Tuesday 4/02
Mark 5:36
But Jesus heard what they were saying and said to the leader of the synagogue, ‘Do not fear, only have faith. The best way out of states of anguish and fear is to do acts of faith that connect us with Jesus who has overcome evil and death. He is the way out of every dark tunnel.
Wednesday 5/02
Mark 6: 2B and 3B
And what wisdom is that which was given to him, and such wonders as were wrought by his hands? Jesus was a cause of scandal to them. Let us always rejoice for the good that is done. Let us thank the one who performs it. To be sorry for it is to be in the darkness of jealousy and buried in our own selfishness.
Thursday 6/02
Mark 6:13
The twelve cast out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them. All the evils that afflict mankind are the consequence of original sin, among them also disease. In addition to physical cures, the sacraments are needed for integral healing.
Friday 7/02
Mark 6: 17A-18
Herod had sent to arrest John. For John said to Herod: ‘It is not lawful for you to keep your brother’s wife with you. When one organises one’s life in a way that differs from the word of God, one’s conscience is clouded. Everyone, and especially those in power, become intolerant of those who do God’s will.
Saturday 8/02
Mark 6:31
Jesus said to them, ‘Come away, you alone, into a deserted place and rest a while!’ Solitude and silence, without Jesus, make us fall into sadness and laziness. Contemplative prayer gives true rest.