The Word every day: 19-25 January, 2025
Commentary on the Readings of the Day by Father Giordano Favillini
Sunday 19/01
John 2: 1 and 5
There was a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee and Jesus’ mother was there. His mother said to the servants: ‘Whatever he tells you, do it. Mothers always have the good of their children at heart, that is why they advise well. Let us do as Mary says, let us always do what the word of Jesus says.
Monday 20/01
Mark 2:22
Jesus said: ‘New wine in new wineskins’. Jesus’ message is not a patch on the faults of a devalued life, but a disruptive force that totally renews a person.
Tuesday 21/01
Mark 2:27
Jesus said to them: ‘The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath’. Jesus proclaims the superiority of the human person to all legislation. Every law must safeguard the dignity of man made in the image of God and not mortify his identity.
Wednesday 22/01
Mark 3:4
Jesus asked them, ‘Is it lawful on the Sabbath day to do good or to do evil, to save a life or to kill one?’ If certain rules or religious traditions made by men keep one away from God, they must be abandoned. Priority must be given to that which helps a person encounter God and find salvation.
Thursday 23/01
Mark 3:9
Then he told his disciples to keep a boat ready for him because of the crowd so that they would not crush him. Jesus is not afraid to come into contact with an earthy humanity, he who came down from heaven, with a filthy, sick humanity, he who is the totally holy and pure.
Friday 24/01
Mark 3:13
Jesus went up the mountain, called to himself those he wanted, and they came to him. Jesus does not give everyone the same mission or the same abilities but to each one he entrusts a specific task, a particular gift, a service according to the human characteristics of each one.
Saturday 25/01
Mark 16:15
Jesus appeared to the eleven and said to them: ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature’. To make the Gospel known, to bring people to Jesus, is the greatest work of charity, since it contributes to the full realisation of the human person and to his or her finding true happiness.